Lily- Our Mission Goes to Hell

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It's official. Stakeouts are the worst mission possible. Somehow, I thought this mission was more glorified than sitting in the bushes and trying to see through the thick cold fog.

"I'm starting to think this was waste of our time." Sirius mutters from my right side. "I think my arse is going to freeze off."

"I wonder if James and Remus have seen anything." I comment dully as I glance towards the empty street again.

"Probably not." Sirius decides. "They would have signalled us by now."

"If they remembered." I scoff. "This is my husband were talking about, remember?"

"Is he being an idiot again?

"No. I'm sorry." I sigh. "I'm just tired."

"Married life not all it's cracked up to be?" Sirius asks gently. His grey eyes search mine.

"It's not that. I'm just on edge about everything lately."

Sirius nods slowly. "If you need someone to talk to, I'm always here."

"Thank you."

I focus my attention back on the street. Albus told us that the brick house with blackout curtains was the meeting place of some of Voldemort's inner circle. The house definitely has the right vibe to be a Death Eater meeting place. The house looks cold and dark...

"Lily, look." Sirius hisses softly.

I look towards the door and spot several people dressed in dark robes exit the house. A tall blond haired man with a severe scowl on his face leads the group out of the house. Lucius Malfoy. From this distance, I can't identify the rest of the people. But at least we have one confirmed Death Eater at this meeting place.

Suddenly, a green flash shoots past us. Sirius' eyes widen and he freezes like a statue as he judges the situation.

"I thought I heard something over there." A deep voiced man states as the Death Eaters stare skeptically towards the bushes we're hiding in.

"Come now. We don't have time for this. The Dark Lord is impatiently waiting for us." Malfoy declares sharply.

One by one the Death Eaters disappear with a wave of their wands.

"That was a little close." I confess.
A scream of pain rips through the foggy silence. James!

I start scrambling out of the bush, but Sirius grabs the back of my coat. "Wait. It could be a trap."

"I can't sit here if James or Remus is being tortured!" I protest.

"Fine. Stay here for a moment." Sirius climbs out of the bushes and carefully makes his way down the street.

Although he's hidden using magic, he's still a target. Rounding the corner, he disappears completely from my sight.
Moments go by; each one feels like a lifetime. The fog keeps getting thicker and thicker and one by one the street lamps start falling behind the fog's thick veil.

My friends have to be okay. James has to be okay. The Marauders always get out of bad situations. But this isn't Hogwarts, where the Death Eaters couldn't use Unforgivables on us. This isn't Hogwarts, where Albus Dumbledore would have our backs. This is the real world where life is fleeting. In the real world, people die, just like my parents. Just like Charlus and Dorea.

Suddenly, three men stumble out of the foggy darkness towards me. One of them is being held up by the other two. Remus...

"Lily, we need to get him out of here." James states as they continue towards me. "He's losing a lot of blood."
Together, Sirius and James set Remus down in front of me. "Can you slow the bleeding?" James questions.

Remus clenches at his stomach, while thick scarlet seeps out between his fingers. His teeth are clenched tightly as he tries not to make a sound.

"Remus, I can't help you unless you remove your hands." I say gently.

"Hell, it hurts." Remus moans. His face is ashy pale.

"I know it does, Moony, but Lily can't help you until she assesses the damage." James encourages him to remove his hands.

Slowly, Remus removes his hands. I wish he hadn't. Blood pours out of the hole and pools on his once white t-shirt.

"We've got to move him to Mugo's now!" I remove my jacket and use it to apply pressure to the wound.

Remus' eyes roll back in his head and he completely collapses.
"Dammit!" James swears. "Let's get him to Mugo's!"


A flurry of healers rush past me into Remus' room. There's yelling inside the room and panic.

One healer with dark skin steps outside and walks towards us. "Are you friends of Remus John Lupin?"

James nods his head. "Is he going to be alright?"

The healer sighs heavily. "I don't know what to tell you kids. In all of my years here, I've never seen anything like it. The wound, which is remarkable similar to a stab wound, won't stay closed. It keeps opening back up."

"Would his condition have anything to do with it?" I question softly. The healers knew the moment that they got his medical information that he was a werewolf. There's no point in avoiding it at this point.

"Mr. Lupin's condition never effects him prior to a full moon, correct?" The healer inquires.

"He usually loses weight and gets pale. His behaviour is completely normal." James confirms.

"Healer Martin!" A plump healer shouts frantically  from the doorway of Remus' room.

"Sorry!" Healer Martin says quickly as he runs into Remus' room.

Not Remus. Not again. I can't lose another person. Not again.


A/N: Hey everyone! I'm a few hours later than I planned with this update. I got blindsided with family events (oh well, it's family, what can a girl do)
I hope this was worth the wait! It's not super long, but I felt that I needed to post something! The next chapter explains what happened to James and Remus that resulted in Remus' stab wound and the aftermath. So hang on to your seats (or maybe just your electronics), 'cause  it's gonna be a bumpy ride! (Imagine that was the talking head voice in the Knight Bus!)
Next update: likely after Christmas but before the New Year!
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!
See you guys soon!

Ours To Hold- A Lily and James FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now