Marlene- One Last Chance

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I sit down on the bench and stare at the busy street of muggles.

"You been here long?" Sirius asks as he sits down beside me.

I shake my head slowly. "I just got here." I admit. "It's a beautiful day." I mentally kick myself for bringing up the weather; it sounds like cheap small talk.

"I'm not here for small talk, Marlene. I've got other places to be too." Sirius states in a no nonsense tone.

"Sorry." I say quickly. "Look, I know that in the past, I was a shitty person. I was so consumed with only myself. I never realized how badly I treated Lily and Alice. And you. I took your feelings for me for granted. When I got injured, all of my faults seemed to magnify and I turned into a total brat. It took losing all of my friends and you to realize who I had become. I don't want to be this shallow girl anymore. I'm truly sorry for how I treated you." I admit honestly.

Sirius runs his hands through his long messy curls. "I accept your apology, but I don't know where this leaves us." He sighs softly and leans back against the bench. "I put my cards down on the table a long time ago. I told you that I loved you and you threw it back in my face. I know I hurt you too. I know I broke your heart, but you broke mine just as much. You're dating someone else now. Everything has changed."

"No," I whisper gently. "Not everything. Not the way I feel about you. I'm in love with you."

Sirius freezes and his beautiful grey eyes widen drastically. "You love me?" He asks slowly.

I nod my head. "Yes, I've been in love with you for so long now. I promise if you give me one more choice, I-"

"Hang on." Sirius interrupts with a look of incredulity on his face. "You think that you can just tell you love me and then everything will be okay?"

"No. I know that everything probably won't be okay. I broke up with Scott."

Sirius tilts his head slightly and stares at me for a moment with his calculating eyes. "So you say that you want to give us another shot..." He says slowly.

"I do." I say firmly. I study the boy in front of me. No, he's a man now. He's not the boy that I fell in love with. He's changed. The war has changed him. But these changes are for the better... I think.

"One chance." He says sternly, breaking me out of my thoughts.


Suddenly, Sirius' face crumples and his usual mask falls to reveal the young broken man, who's been hurt too many times. "Don't hurt me again." He whispers pleadingly.

"I won't." I promise, even though it might not be a promise that I can keep.

Maybe we're all a little broken. But that's okay. We can be broken together.


Song For The Chapter: The Scientist- Coldplay.
I thought it just fit well with the chapter.
AN: Hey everyone. How's life?
I'm afraid that updates might be erratic for a bit. I have to return to my courses and I think I'm going to be in trouble. I have a really heavy course load coming up.
So please be patient with me.
Thanks for all the well wishes!

So what did you guys think of Sirius and Marlene? Did Sirius give in too easily or does Marlene deserve a second chance? Will their relationship last or is it just as doomed as everyone else's... (Okay... I've read the Deathly Hallows and I know what happens to Marlene) But will their relationship last for as long as it can?
Let me know your thoughts.

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