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Welcome to the final chapter of Ours To Hold. This chapter jumps to after James' and Lily's deaths. Although I lost my passion for writing lately, I felt like this story needed an ending. And this is the ending I always imagined. So without further ado...


Regret... There's a lot of things I regret. I regret not trying to make things right with Regulus before he died. I regret hurting Marlene and then waiting too long to make things right. I regret not proposing to Marlene. I regret my failure to protect Lily and James.

I betrayed them. My hands are just as bloody as Peter's. I was too wrapped up in my own grief to notice what Peter was doing. I should have paid attention... I could have saved them.

The door falls off its hinges as Remus storms into the room. His bloodshot eyes are wild with grief as he marches towards me. "How could you? They were our friends," he snarls at me. In this moment, he barely resembles the man I've known since I was eleven. His fists are tightly clenched as if he is about to punch me. I wouldn't blame him if he did.

"Remus, I didn't tell Voldemort where they were! James was my brother!" I say frantically.

"Liar! You were the secret keeper!"

"I thought I was too big of a target... I told James to make Peter the-"

"James trusted you. He would have never changed his mind." He shakes his head furiously. "You're full of bullshit." He scowls at me. "I should kill you right now."

I hold my hands out to my sides. "Go ahead, Remus. Kill me. I've got nothing left to live for. The girl I loved is dead. My closest friends are either dead, traitors, or they don't believe me. I have nothing left."

"And your beloved lord is dead." He says mockingly.

Suddenly, all of my rage burns through me. "Voldemort was a monster. I never joined him. I spent my entire life fighting against the blood purity shite he preached. Hell, he killed Marlene!" I yell at Remus. "Go to hell, Remus."

Remus laughs bitterly at me. "The only one one of us that will be going to hell is you, Sirius." He takes a deep breath. His face turns hard. "I should kill you, but I won't. Because of James. He loved you." He shakes his head slowly as if he is trying to clear his head. "But if I ever see you again, Sirius, I'll kill you myself."


"There will be no trial," a man declares with a hateful look on his face.

I stare at the Aurors standing around me. I even recognize a few of them as Aurors that I trained with during my brief stint as an Auror trainee. They all watch me with repulsed looks.

"You murdered Peter Pettigrew and you are responsible for the deaths of Lily and James Potter. Sirius Black, you will be sent to Azkaban." The man adds loudly.

I turn to face him and stop dead when I notice Albus Dumbledore standing to the side. His eyes hidden behind half-moon spectacles stare at me with a timeless sadness.

"I didn't do it, Albus. Please. You've got to believe me. I didn't betray James and Lily. Please, Albus, you know me. James was my brother." I beg softly. I don't care about the fact that I'm going for trying to kill Peter, but I need him to believe me!
"You were their secret keeper, Sirius. You're the only one that could have told Voldemort." With that, Dumbledore turns and walks away.

As the Aurors drag me away in chains, I let out a scream of pain. Everyone has turned against me. I'm alone...


The small church is empty. It doesn't seem right that Lily and James' funeral is so empty. In life, they were well loved and had plenty of friends. James was a charming man with a wild rebellious streak. Lily was a compassionate woman with a brilliant mind. It just doesn't seem right that their funeral is so empty...

Petunia stands by Lily's casket with her brutish and unpleasant husband, Vernon. Her hand is gently resting on top of her sister's casket. Her eyes are clear and steely. She closes her eyes briefly as she tries to keep her emotions hidden. I never liked Petunia- James had far too many horror stories about the brown haired Muggle. But in this moment, I don't see the girl who called James a drunken magician, I see a woman trying to control the pain of losing a sister that she didn't understand but still loved on some level.

Little Harry sits on the front row pew. He pushes a small plastic car with his hand across the wooden pew. A jagged red scar in the shape of a lightning bolt peeks out from a messy black mop of hair. Someday, he's going to look just like James... Except for his eyes. His eyes are Lily's.

I glance at the empty pews and remember more friends that should have been here. Beautiful Marlene with her easy laughter and dancing eyes. Alice with her short messy black hair and insane sense of humour. Frank with his steady demeanour and calm rationality. Peter Pettigrew...

Even though I don't want to think about him, my mind drifts to Sirius Black. A man I once called my friend. I don't know when the boy with wild brown hair and a mischievous smile turned into a man who could betray his best friends and murder another. As much as I want to hate him, I'm not sure that I'll ever truly be able to.

The one mystery that I'll never fully understand is how Sirius could join with the people that killed Marlene. Whatever Sirius Black's faults are, he loved her. I can still hear his screams when he found out that she was dead. I was standing beside him when Frank came to the small loft we shared and told Sirius what happened.

But none of that matters now, everyone else is gone, dead or worse, except for me and Sirius. And I- no we, are the ones left with the ghosts to hold onto. Ours to hold. Always.

Hello everyone!
So that's the end. I hope you all enjoyed it. I found it really emotional to end this story.
Thank you all for your support through Patronus Charm and Ours To Hold. It means the world to me.
I hope you enjoyed my thoughts on the Marauders.
I was thinking it'd be kinda cool if everyone could share their favourite moments from the two books. I've always wondered what scenes made you guys laugh, cry, want to punch the wall, etc :)
Thanks everyone!

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