Lily- Apparently, Bailing Your Love Out of Jail Saves Your Relationship

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The telephone rings loudly from the kitchen. I silently curse and set down my book. We rarely get calls. I asked James why we needed a muggle phone, after all, we don't have any muggle friends. He didn't really answer.

I hurry into the kitchen and pick up the phone. "Hullo?"

"Miss Lily Evans?" A male voice asks.

"Yes?" I say slowly.

"I'm Officer Dennis of the London Police. Would you please come to the Spinner's End Police Station. "Your fiancé, James Potter, and his friend, Sirius Black, are currently being detained in our station." He says in a seriously voice.

"Merlin's beard." I say frustratedly.

"I beg your pardon!" The Officer says in surprise. Muggles...

"I'll be there soon. Thanks." I hang up. Oh, James Potter, I'm gonna kill you when I see you!

I enter the station and walk up to the counter. "Um, excuse me. I was told that my fiancé and his friend have been arrested." I say tiredly.

The pale clerk nods. "What are their names?"

"James Potter and Sirius Black."

She looks up the names. "Yes. He will escort you to where they are detained." She gestures to an Officer standing beside the desk.

He guides me into the back. I spot James and Sirius sitting in cells beside each other.

"Potter!" I nearly yell. "What the bloody hell have you done?"

"You're dead, mate. She hasn't called you Potter since you started dating." Sirius says dramatically.

"Shut it, Black."
James looks nervous. "Lils, love, I can explain-"

"I got a phone call, saying that my fiancé and his friend had been arrested. Do you know how much that scared me?" I demand.

"I'm sorry, love." James says gently with a pleading look on his face.

"Sorry isn't going to cut it." I snap.

"Black! What happened?" I turn to Sirius.

Sirius pales and shakes his head.

"Miss, they were arrested for reckless driving and driving without a license." The Officer supplies.

I smile appreciatively at him. "Thank you." I turn back to the idiots. "James Charlus Potter. I know you have a license."

James looks sheepish. "I wasn't driving."

"Was this the damn bike?"

"Yes." James answers.

I take a deep breath and slowly let it out. "What are the charges?"

"Mr. Black is changed with reckless driving, driving with a license, and street racing. Mr. Potter is charged with street racing."

"Are they required to pay fines or go to court?"


"Can I take them home then?"

"You may." The Officer unlocks the cells and the guys quickly walk out.

I start walking out of the station. "Did they take your wands?"

"No." James opens his jacket and shows me the wand sitting in inner pocket of his jacket.

"Next time, I'm going to let them book you and you both can spend the night in jail." I warn harshly.

"Love, I promise you there won't be a second time."

"Yeah, next time, I'll just erase the cop's memories." Sirius whispers gruffly under his breath, as we step into the cool London air.

I slap him.

His cheek flushes bright pink. "Woman! What is your problem?" He demands, looking at me in disbelief. "Prongs! Your girlfriend is insane."

James starts laughing.

I spin around and whip my wand out and point it at my fiancé. "You're walking on thin ice, James." I say slowly.

"Relax, Lily. It was only a joke!" James exclaims.

"I can take a joke, James. What I can't take is you two being so insufferably cheerful about getting arrested!" I snap.

James' smile fades. "Lily, I don't want to fight about this." He says softly.

"Erm... I'm just going to sneak out at this point, when you both express your true feelings and have a passionate heated snogging session." Sirius declares as he hurries down the street and around a corner.

"Did he actually just say that?" I question.

"He did..." James sighs. "Lily, I get it that being arrested isn't a joking matter, but compared to everything else, it's a hell of a lot more tolerable than other things. We risk death almost everyday. I'm going to laugh about the stupid things, because otherwise we don't have much to laugh about. Voldemort has taken so much from us, but I won't let him drive us apart. This war will end. At the same time, we cannot blame Voldemort for all of our problems. We are to blame for our fights. Lily, most people don't have a love story like ours. Most people don't fall in love with someone that they used to fight with."

"I know that," I admit. "Sometimes, I wonder if we're doing the right thing..."

"You and I is the only thing that I've ever been sure of. We're alright. It's just the rest of the world that is so screwed up. Lily, I love you and I'm going to fight for us. I won't let anything get in the way of us." He takes my hands. "The only question left is: are you willing to fight for us?"

"Yes... Yes, I'll fight for us, no matter what." I vow.

"I think we ought to start planning that wedding," James chuckles.

"How about January?" I ask with a small smile.

"Lily, for you, I'll do anything you ask." James gives me his heart melting smile.

AN: I updated! So, this might be the last update I post before April. I'm going away on a trip and I don't have a lot of spare time right now. I will try to update, but no promises!
I'm also thinking about writing a new story... I haven't completely decided what it's about. I've hit a roadblock in Protectors and I don't no how to fix it.
So would anyone be interested in reading it? :)

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