Lily- The Hen Party: I Am Reminded Of Things I'd Rather Forget

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After James leaves, I follow my friends to Alice's parents' house. They were thrilled to let us use the house for the night.

"I haven't been here in a long time." Marlene comments as she steps through the doorway. I decided months ago that I wanted to set things right with Marlene. Alice, Marlene, and I managed to work it all out.

"It's nice to have the three of us hanging out again." Alice admits.

"Yeah." I agree. "This feels right."

"So, it's your last night as a free woman." Marlene giggles.

"Free?" Alice nearly snorts in laughter. "She's been tied down for a year now! Besides, who'd want to be free if they had James Potter wrapped around their little finger? James is so madly in love with her. I swear if Lily says she wants a piece of cake, he'll come back with every type for her to try!" Alice explains to Marlene.

"Wow." Marlene grins. "You got yourself a keeper, Lily."

"I wouldn't be marrying him if he wasn't." I laugh.

"It's nice to see you happy, Lily." Marlene says softly. "You used to be so sad."

"I wasn't sad," I protest.

"Okay, fine. Maybe, not sad. You just didn't seem happy. James came along and suddenly everything about you just seemed brighter. James is good for you."

"Yeah, a heck of a lot better than some of your other boyfriends." Alice says with a grin.

"Why do you keeping bringing this up?" I ask with a groan.

"As your best friends, we must. It is part of the best friend agreement we signed in our fourth year." Marlene says with a serious look on her face. "Section nineteen: as best friends we must point out the stupid mistakes that one makes about boys."

"That was not in there!" I yelp.
Alice smirks. "Sure, Lily. Keep telling yourself that."

"Why the hell did you ever go out with Diggory?" Marlene demands.

I shrug. "Moment of weakness?"

"I can almost forgive that considering the fact that James punched him in the face about a month ago."

"What?" I gasp. "What happened?"

"He was being an ass as usual and he might have insulted you. James sorta just...snapped and punched him." Alice says timidly.

I shake my head. "Does Frank ever try to fight your battles, Alice?"

"Lily, you can't get mad at James for defending you." Alice frowns at me.

"I'm not mad. I just hate it when James tries to solve my problems without asking me." I admit.

"Look, any good boyfriend is going to defend you; he'll also try to fight your battles, because he cares about you. I mean, Scott does that for me." Marlene says.

"Scott?" I question.

"Yeah, I guess you guys haven't actually met him yet. He moved here from Brazil half a year ago. He's really good to me."

I smile at her. "I'm glad."

"Remember that ass you dated in sixth year?" Alice asks Marlene.

"God, yes!" Marlene groans. "I can't believe that he had the nerve to try to pressure me into sleeping with him by claiming that blue balls kills a bloke."

I laugh. "Moron."

"I can't believe it." Alice laughs as tears stream down her face. "Of all the idiotic things that that bastard came up with, he used this?!"


"So glad I got rid of his sorry arse." Marlene grins. "So, Lily, have you done it?"

I'd like to claim that I had no clue what Marlene was talking about.... But I have James Potter as my fiancé.

"Marlene," I groan.

"C'mon, Lily." Alice laughs, clearly enjoying my embarrassment.


"It's okay if you haven't." Alice smiles. "We were only teasing. I didn't do it with Frank until our wedding night. He wanted to do it the 'right way'." She admits, making quotation marks with her fingers.

"We're just curious." Marlene says.

"Yes." I say quietly.

"What?" They both demand.

"Yes!" I declare.


"When we were at Hogwarts after Christmas." I admit with a shy smile.

"I kinda assumed you'd wait." Marlene says with a wry smile.

"With a boyfriend like James, yeah right!" Alice laughs.

"Okay! Let's talk about something else!"

"Do you ever wonder if James would go back to his old self?" Marlene asks suddenly.

"Marlene, I don't think she-" Alice starts.

"No," I interrupt. "It's fine. I used to worry about that. James didn't do commitment. In the first few months, I really did wonder. But James isn't the same man anymore. He slept around, but at least he never slept with more than one girl at same time." I glance at Alice's smirk. "No. Don't even go there. You know what I meant! James was a lot of things, but he was never a cheater. Besides, he wouldn't have asked me to marry him if he wasn't sure." I say confidently.

"Why are we talking about this?" Alice asks Marlene.

"I was just curious." She says quickly.

"Are you asking because of the man you used to love?" Alice asks.

Marlene jolts back as if she had just put her hand on a burner on a stove. She closes her eyes tightly. "I...I loved him."

"I know." I say softly. "He loved you too."

Her eyes fly open and she stares at me in shock. "What?"

"Marlene, it's true." Alice grabs her hand and squeezes.

"He apologized, but he never said..." Marlene lets out a heart-wrenching sob. "I'm still in love with him. I feel horrible. Scott deserves someone who can love him completely. I care about him, but I'm still in love with Sirius."

"You should be honest with Scott." I say gently. "Don't lead him on. It will hurt more later if you don't tell him the truth."

"This is supposed to be your party and here I am being an emotional bitch!" Marlene admits.

"Well, you've always been good at being a bitch." Alice laughs.

"Take that back!" Marlene exclaims through giggles.

I'm never one to miss out on a good pillow fight, so I grab a pillow and fling it at Alice's head.

The pillow hits Alice in the back of the head. She whips around and smirks at me. "Evans, haven't you ever heard the saying, 'don't start something you can't finish'?"

I'm so dead.

AN: So, I'm not dead. I've been insanely busy lately that's it's not even funny!
So, as soon as I have access to my computer, I'll post the dedication. So hopefully in the next few days.
I've been writing this chapter instead of writing a paper on jazz. Yeah, I've also been busy doing concerts and living off of anything with caffeine, which is not a   pretty picture.
So as for UPDATES- yes the word that really matters here!
I don't think I'm going to have much time for the rest of this month. So updates may not happen for a bit, which sucks. And I'm sorry but I have to be realistic about what I do with my time.
I will do my best to update but I won't make promises!
You guys are the best readers ever btw!

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