Sirius- The Black Sheep

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I crumple the letter in my hand. Dammit! I slam my fist against the countertop.

Lily sprints into kitchen with a look of fear on her face. "Sirius! What happened?"

I try to give her a smile, but it falls to a frown. "I just hit the countertop. Sorry."

Lily shakes her head. "What's wrong?"

"I'm fine."

"Liar." She pauses. "James, get down here!" She shouts loudly.

Moments later, Prongs runs into the room. He looks like he just woke up. "What's going on?" He asks.

"Something's up with Sirius."

"You just had to bring him into this." I say sarcastically to Lily.

"Well, when my friend won't tell me what's wrong, I bring out my secret weapon." She teases.

"The boyfriend." I smirk.

"Actually," James starts with a grin. "I believe in this situation I am the best mate. Honestly, I don't think we're ready to take that next step in our relationship."

"Boys." Lily scoffs.

"Padfoot, what's wrong?" James asks.

"Everything is peachy, Prongs."

"Did you just say peachy?" He asks with a look of terror on his face. "Bloody hell! There really is something wrong with you."

I can feel my sense of humour fade. "Drop it. It's nothing to be concerned about."

James gives me a look. It's a look that reminds of our days of mischief at Hogwarts. "Well, if you won't tell me." He grabs Lily by the waist and sets on her the counter. He stands between her legs and they start snogging.

I raise an eyebrow. Siriusly? They think a little PDA will bug me? I'm Sirius Orion Black, the king of PDA! I slept with at least a third of the females in our year at Hogwarts!

Suddenly, they start really going at it.

"Alright! Stop! I don't want to see you deflower Lily, Prongs!" I wail.

James lets go of Lily and a proud grin settles across his face. Bloody arse! "I know you'd come around. What's wrong?"

I sigh heavily. "I got kicked out of Auror training."

"What?" James demands. "Why?"

"Take a guess!"

"Because you're a Black," Lily says so softly that I barely hear her.

"We have a winner." I mumble. "Everyone is against me. Half the Order doesn't trust me, the Aurors don't, my family hates me, and I'm positive that the Chudley Cannons are going to lose the cup again this year!"

"Okay, I understand the first few, but the Chudley Cannons? Really, Sirius? They haven't won since 1892! Quit cheering for a lame team!" James says indignantly.

"James!" Lily hisses. "Sirius, your family is a bunch of pureblood arses. The Aurors don't know shite about you. You haven't had the chance to prove yourself to the Order, but Dumbledore trusts you. You have us, Remus, and Peter, if he ever comes back." Her comment about Peter sounds almost edgy. No, I must be imagining it... "You're last name doesn't define you. Your past doesn't define you. Only you truly define yourself." She says. Remus has always said that she can truly see the good in others, but I think I always overlooked it until now.

"I'm still the infamous Sirius Black."

"You might be the black sheep of society, Sirius, but do you really want to be part of a society, where people stab each other in the back?" She smiles softly at her. She gestures to James. He silently heads out of the room. She pauses and smirks at me. "By the way, I agree with James. Stop cheering for such an awful team!" She teases as she walks out the room.
AN: hey guys. I wanted to say I'm a little disappointed at the lack of comments on the last chapter. I thought that everyone would be really excited about a Jily moment when they're not fighting and the war takes a backseat.
So on that note: I know Lily and James' relationship has been strained and they've fought a lot lately. Please keep in mind that there's a war going on and a hellish large amount of bad things have happened to them in this year. The next chapter is a turning point in their relationship.
Finally, if no one's guessed it yet... Lily is finally starting question what Peter is up to. I've been dropping hints that she's not sure if she can trust him. However, this won't affect the overall ending. Peter will still be a bastard and screw his friends over.
Btw: as guessed, Peter killed Charlus and Dorea. More will be explained later!

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