Alice: The Vision in White

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"Alice, would you please calm down!" Lily begs. Her long red hair is pulled back into a fancy bun and she's dressed in a beautiful light blue dress.

"I'm not ready! Oh my god! I'm not ready for this! What if he doesn't like my dress? What if he-" Smack! Lily's hand hits my cheek.

"Frank loves you." She says firmly. "The wedding will be amazing! You need to calm down."

"You're a vision in white," my cousin, Molly, promises. "Frank won't be able to take his eyes off you." She gently sits me back on the black stool and fixes my makeup.

"Lily?" I ask hesitantly. Should I be asking her this question?

She smiles at me. "Yes?"

"How did you deal with James postponing your wedding?"

Her smile fades a little bit. "Frank wouldn't do it to you on your wedding day, Alice."

"I know he wouldn't," I admit. "I didn't mean it like that. I was asking about you."

"Alice, it's your big day. Let's focus on you. We can talk about this another day." She says slowly.

Molly sighs and shakes her head slowly. "Avoiding the conversation only makes it harder, Lily."

Lily nods and looks away for a moment. "I didn't handle it too well. You know that I packed my bags and left for a few days. It was hard. James kept promising that it wasn't the end of our engagement, but it felt like it was. It's kinda like when someone says 'it's not you, it's me'. I was hurt and scared. The thing is that James wasn't going back on his promise. We're getting married in January."

"Lily, I'm so happy for you!" I exclaim.

"Enough about me." Lily declares seriously. Not like siriusly serious. No, I can't let Sirius' not so siriusness mess me up today!

"Should I get Frank?" James asks from the doorway. He's dressed in dark dress robes. Frank wanted him to be the best man.

"No!" Molly says sternly. "He cannot see her before the wedding! It's bad luck!"

"Alright. I just came to make sure that half the wedding party didn't run away," James chuckles. I watch him with a small smile. His eyes are completely focused on Lily. That man looks at Lily like she's his entire world. James is the only man that I'll ever trust to treat my best friend right.

"James, are you sure you didn't come just to see if your girl ran away?" Molly teases.

James grins broadly. "You've seen right through me, Molly." He walks over to Lily and whispers something in her ear. Judging by Lily's bright pink cheeks, James said something that I don't want to hear.

"Anyways, I'm off." He declares as he steps away from Lily. He exits the room.

"Let's put the finishing touches on you," Molly says happily. "Then we'll get your mum and dad up here."

As they help me get some of my jewellery on, I can't help but think of the first time Frank asked me out.
I had fancied Frank for several months, but I never had enough courage to just tell him. Despite my appearance of a rough and loud person, I've never been good at admitting my true feelings to people that I wasn't extremely close to. One day, I was sitting outside of the Transfiguration Wing of Hogwarts and Frank walked up. He handed me a letter. The moment the letter touched my hand, it folded into a bird and flew around my head. Once the letter landed, I read it. The rest is history.

Suddenly, I'm pulled from my memories by a tight hug. "Alice, I'm so proud of you darling." Mum says as tears softly land on her cheeks.

"So am I, my girl." Dad says with a wide grin. His dark eyes shine with unshed tears. "Are you ready?" He asks as he takes my hand.

"Yes, Dad. I am."
AN: hey guys! So here is the long awaited wedding of Frank and Alice!
I know this is a short chapter, but I didn't want to spend too much time on their wedding considering that James and Lily's wedding is just around the corner. So do you think James is going to keep his word about the wedding this time or is Lily going to be set up for false hopes again?
So, I have one more thing to mention. I have posted a new story called Submerged. It's a teen love story with humour. I know some people said that they'd read my groceries lists if I posted them ;)
So I figured I might as well mention it.
So please check it out for me!
Thanks! You guys are the best readers ever!

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