Lily- The Hair is Gone and James is an Idiot

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I wake up to silence. Ah. What a rare event! Living in Potter Manor has had its drawbacks... Living with three blokes, who don't know what quiet even means, grates on my nerves some days. I look to the other side of the bed and find it empty. He's never up before me...

The bathroom door opens and James steps back into the room. "Good morning, love." He says cheerfully as he kisses my forehead. "I figured you'd be tired since we just got back, so I told Sirius to go out for the morning. He promised to come back with some food from your favourite bakery."

"Yay." I smile brightly at the prospect of fresh baking. "So the rest of the Marauders didn't destroy the house while we were gone?" I joke.

James laughs loudly. "Apparently not. Moony said that Padfoot hasn't been here a lot this past week and Peter isn't around."

"James," I say softly. "Do you think something's up with Peter? I mean, he's been acting different lately. I-"

"Lily," James says almost sternly.

"Peter is fine. He's had a rough go of things lately. He failed his final exams. Just leave him be."


"Lils, I love you, but this isn't up for debate. He's fine. I know my mate." He says with a note of finality in his voice.

I want to ask him if he knows the man who's barely been around and who's failed all of his exams, because this man sure isn't my friend Peter. But instead of starting an argument with my husband, I bite my lip and nod.

James smiles softly at me. "Let's go down to the kitchen and hunt for something edible."

"You said Sirius was bringing food?" I ask confusedly.

"Yeah, but this is Sirius I'm talking about. Who knows when he'll come back!"

I laugh and make my way into the kitchen. Suddenly, I stop dead. A man with short hair is sitting at the table with his back to me. It isn't Remus. I raise my wand and cast a spell. The man falls out of his chair and onto the floor like a plank of wood. I hurry over to the man. Oh crap. It's Sirius.

Quickly, I cast the counter spell.

"Lily, you're one of my best mates, but for Merlin's beard, could you stop stunning me as a way of saying hello?" He demands as he gets up.

I stare at him in shock. "Where's all your hair?" I demand. "I know it was shorter than usual at the wedding, but it's all gone!" I gasp. His hair is so short that his usual curls are gone. Instead, it's spiked up a little.

"Breathe, Lily-pad." Sirius laughs. "I got tired of it."

"But your hair... It was like your superpower and now that it's gone how you are still Not-Serious-Sirius?!?" I babble on in distress.

"James! Fix her! She's like a broken toy and I want my Lily-pad back!" Sirius demands.

James rolls his eyes. "Nice to see you too. She'll be fine. She's just in a state of shock. It is surprising."

Sirius shrugs. "It was time for a change."

"Hullo?" An alarmingly cheerful voice calls into the house. "It's Marlene, just so that no one stuns me!"

"I should have said something like that." Sirius mutters under his breath.

"We're in the kitchen, Marlene!" I shout back at my best friend.

Marlene strolls into the kitchen, carrying two large bags that are clearly from the bakery. She sets them down on the counter. She grins at us. "Good morning!"

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