Lily- It Isn't Christmas Without Sirius' Carols

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"God rest ye merry hippogriffs!" Sirius sings loudly from the main floor.

"Dammit, Black!" I scream down the staircase. "I don't want to hear that song every bloody Christmas!"

"You should be cheerful!" Sirius exclaims with a wide smile as he appears at the bottom of the staircase. "It's Christmas Eve!" His grin grows even wider. "Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house. Not a creature was stirring, not even a rat!"

"Really?" Peter scoffs as he joins Sirius at the bottom of the staircase. "Why are all the jokes always at my expense?"

"Because you're a rat." Sirius laughs loudly.

"No more carolling," I say sternly as I give the boys my infamous dirty look. I turn away and start walking back to James'- our room.

"God rest ye merry, hippogriffs,
Let nothing you dismay,
For Sirius will keep you safe
Upon this Christmas Day,
And save you from the Lily-pad
Whose mind has gone astray."

"UGH!" I yell.

"Lily? What's going on?" James asks as I enter our room.

"Sirius is singing God Bless Ye Merry Hippogriffs and changing the words." I explain as I flop onto the bed.

"Hey, at least he hasn't spiked the eggnog yet. I promise you that his lyrics will get much cruder as the day goes on." James admits with a smile.

"So how many people are coming tonight?" I ask as I gently rub my temples.

James carefully sits down beside me. "Remus is coming. Frank and Alice are as well. Everyone else is already here." James pauses for a second. "Um, should we be leaving the turkey unattended with Padfoot around?"

"Merlin's beard!" I quickly get off the bed and hurry towards the door. "I don't want food poisoning again." I wail.

"That was awful." James comments.

I sprint down the staircase towards the kitchen. I fling the door open and yell, "Sirius Orion Black get away from the turkey or I'll castrate you!"

"Umm, that's alarming." A voice says from next to the turkey. Remus stands next to the cooking turkey with seasonings in his hands.

"Sorry!" I say as my cheeks blush red. "I thought you were Sirius-"

"Clearly." Remus interrupts.

"I just didn't want to get food poisoning again." I admit.

"Fair enough." Remus turns to James. "Prongs, you might want to hide the Firewhisky. You know what happened two Christmases ago." He gives James a look.

"Is that never mind!" I gasp, remembering the last Christmas that I spent at Hogwarts. Year Six...

"I'm going to hide the Firewhisky." James exclaims.

"You don't even know the half of it." Remus whispers to me under his breath.

"Shite." I mutter.

"Hello?" A shockingly cheerful voice calls. Alice.

"In the kitchen," I shout.

Alice and Frank walk into the kitchen. I haven't seen them much lately. Between their work as Aurors and their honeymoon, there hasn't been much time for getting together.

"How's the mission going?" James asks as he enters the kitchen.

"Albus' intel seems accurate according to what I've seen." Frank admits. "The Order is getting busy. Has Albus sent you two anything lately?"

James shakes his head. "No. Not yet. Albus said that he'd have something soon."

I try not to frown. "It'll happen soon enough."

"How drunk is Sirius?" Alice changes the subject.

"I'm too scared to find out."

"I made him promise not to start drinking until after the dinner." Peter says calmly as he walks into the room. "I also poured out all of his bottles and filled them with water."

"Thank goodness." Frank sighs loudly. "I don't think I could handle another...incident..."

"You blokes talk about me like I'm some raging alcoholic." Sirius mumbles dejectedly as he joins us.

"No offence, but your track record says otherwise." Frank points out. "You were blackout drunk two Christmases ago!"

"I didn't do it on purpose! How was I supposed to know that my drink was spiked by some crazy girl?"

"Safe partying rule one: don't leave your drink unattended. Really? They even teach Muggles that." I point out. I glance at the clock. "Hey, I'm gonna slip out for a half an hour. There's something I have to do." I say.

James frowns. "Lils, what's so important that you have to leave?"

I shake my head slightly. "Please, it's important. I'll be back soon." I kiss James briefly before hurrying towards the door.


"Hey Mum, Dad." I say softly as I brush snow off the gravestone. "I know it's been a while. I miss you both so much. I'm doing well. It's so different being an adult and not going to Hogwarts. I haven't seen Tuney recently but I'm sure Vernon's taking care of her. James and I are happy. We decided to wait until January to get married. I was upset at first, but I know it's for the best. Alice just got married to Frank. They're so happy. Everyone is doing well. The war is still going on, but I know it will end soon. I never told you the truth, but I was never going to be a healer. I was going to be Auror. I wanted to fight. I'm sorry I never told you. There's a lot of things I wish I had told you." I sigh as I look away for a moment. "I hope you have a good Christmas whenever you are..." I say softly. "I love you both so much."

I slowly stand and wipe the snow of my pants. I pull out my wand and silently cast a single charm. A small bouquet of flowers gently lands on the grave.


I walk through the front door of the Manor.

James walks towards me. "I was starting to get worried." He wraps his arms around me and pulls me into a tight hug. "You're so cold." He murmurs. "The turkey is ready. I promise I kept Sirius away from it."

"Did you guys get rid of all the drinks?" I inquire.

James' face pales slightly. "Uh... Well, about that... Sirius might be a tad bit drunk. Merry Christmas, Lils."

"Oh Christmaaaaaas treeeeee-"

"Bloody hell! Shut up, Black!" Alice screams loudly from the dining room.

"Grandmaaaaa got ruuuuuun over by a reindeeeeeeeer!"


My lips form into a small grin. "Merry Christmas, James.

AN: So in fact, it is possible for me to update consistently! Haha, so proud of myself.

The God Rest Ye Merry Hippogriffs lyrics aren't mine. They're the Singing Crones' (you can look them up on google, they've got a bunch of HP Christmas carols) I only changed one word to fit this story.

So yeah, the wedding is coming up! But before that.... WHO WANTS TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS AT THE BACHELOR PARTY? ;)

So, here's the deal. You guys tell me what you want to have happen at the party and my favourite comment will get the dedication and their idea in the next chapter.

I'll do Lily's party too. But I think the Marauders are gonna have a lot of fun! ;)


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