Lily- I Might Feel Bad About Leaving You Later

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"I'm sick of all the moping!" I declare loudly as I flop down on our bed.

James stops reading his book and looks up at me. "All the moping, huh?" He says slowly. "It's been a little stressful lately, Lils. Everyone is tired."

"Everyone is living in our house, James! It's driving me crazy. I love our friends. I really do, but everyone is miserable."

James scratches his head and sighs. "Well, what do you suggest?"

"I want to pull some pranks." I admit with a small smile.

A massive grin spreads across his face. "Baby, I've got a great idea."


"I can't wait to see his reaction." I gleefully exclaim. "You sure this is going to work?"

"Love, I'm the master of pranking. Remember?" He says teasingly. "Mischief managed."

"You'd think he'd actually check considering this isn't the first time that we've done this to him."

"Sirius isn't that smart." James chuckles.

"WHAT THE HELL??!???!?" A feminine voice shrieks. Not Sirius.

James and I look at each other with looks of horror. "Oh shite." I whisper.

"Oh shite." James agrees.

Sirius comes running down the stairs wearing only a white towel around his waist. His hair is slightly blue at the roots. "You two are dead." He says menacing. Sirius has to be one of the only people on the planet who can be menacing while wearing only a towel. It's a skill... "My girlfriend's beautiful hair is now blue." He snarls.

I gulp nervously. "Uh, well, you see..."

"I'll get you two for this. Now, I have to deal with my very distressed girlfriend." He turns and walks back up the staircase.

"We should have blamed it on Remus." I murmur under my breath.

"Oh no. You've brought this upon yourselves!" Remus tells us with a taunting smile. "I'm recovering from the attack. You do not get to drag me into this."

James gives his friend a knowing smile. "You know you want to. It will be just like old times. Only, we won't be hexing Sniv-" I give him a disapproving look. "Snape. For old times, Remus?"

Slowly, a goofy grin morphs its way onto his face. "Why not!"

I don't think we ever regretted a prank more than the one we were about to pull....


"What's with all the smoke?" James chokes out as we try to find the nearest door.

"Are we ready to fire again?" Sirius' loud voice declares.

"Aye aye, Capt'n!" Marlene declares.

"Guys, are you taking this a little to far?" I demand as I wave my hand in front of my face, in a hopeless attempt to clear the smoke from my face.

"You are the one that went too far, my dear flower!" Sirius shouts back. Suddenly, a dungbomb flies over us and splatters against a portrait of James' great great grandfather.

"Bloody hell! Stop this! Stop it right now!" The portrait screams as he tries to wipe the dungbomb slime off his face.

"Why the hell did we do this?" Remus demands. His face is covered by a cloth.

"I didn't know that he would go to these extremes!" James admits. "Shite! I can't find my wand."

I shove my hands into my pockets, expecting to feel the wood of my wand, but my hand touches nothing. "I had mine a few minutes ago."

"Agh! Why did I get stuck with a bunch of imbeciles?! They stole our wands, you idiots!" Remus screams at us.

For a moment, James and I stare at each other in shock.

"Moony, that wasn't very nice." James mumbles.

"Prongs, I really want-"

"Duck!" I roar as a stunning spell comes towards us.

James and Remus duck it with ease.

"Ha! You missed! Can you even aim?" James taunts loudly. Suddenly, James falls to the ground with a thud.

I turn slightly and spot a mirror behind us, right next to the portrait. Looking down at my husband, I sigh. "Karma's a bitch, James." Without magic, there's no way I can carry him. Alright, I'll just leave him here. I'm fine with that. Maybe I'll regret this at some point...

"Remus." I whisper. "Let's go."

Together, we crawl across the floor towards the kitchen. Why the hell did the Potters of old decide to build such a big manor? What's so wrong with little cottages?

"Hey, Lily. If we get out of this alive? Will you leave James and run away with me?" Remus asks with a shit-eating grin.

"Remus, if we leave here alive, I'm going to move to New York and become a cat lady." I retort back sarcastically.

"So, I'll take that as a firm maybe."

"Dream on, werewolf."

"You're mean, Lily."

"I know, right!"

Suddenly, a hand grabs my ankle. "Sweetheart, I caught the elusive Flower." Sirius calls back to Marlene, who is about to lose her best friend status for good.

Sirius slings me over his shoulder.

"Why didn't you grab Remus?"

Sirius pauses for a moment. "I don't know where he is."

"Merlin's beard! He was right beside me."

"Nope. You were all alone." Damn you Remus!

Sirius drops me on top of James' still stunned body. At least the landing didn't hurt. Thanks James.

Marlene steps forward and waves her wand. Ropes appear and begin to tie me up.

"Any last words?" Sirius asks slowly. His eyes are full of mischief.

"I have one." A cold voice drawls. "What the hell is going on?"

.......... To Be Continued.........

SORRY for the late update. Life gets in my way a lot. I'm working on the second bonus chapter for Patronus, so be on the lookout for that.
I'm trying to write and update, but I'm super busy and I'd rather not update than give you guys crappy chapters. So thanks for your patience.
So who do you think the cold voice belongs to?
Good luck guessing that one.
Thanks! Hope you enjoyed it!

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