Of These Dark Times

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"How much longer do we have to wait?" Sirius mumbles. His eyes are unfocused and bloodshot.

"I dunno." James responds tiredly. "Remus' parents just went home. His mom really isn't that healthy right now."

"She looked tired." I admit as I swirl my tea with a spoon.

"I can't stay here much longer. I've got to get to work." Marlene states as she runs her hands through her hair and pulls it up into a tight bun behind her head.

"You better go." Sirius nods his head. "We'll send an owl if we get any word."

"Love you," Marlene quickly kisses Sirius and then disappears around the corner.

"I really hate this place." James confesses after a moment. "I need to get out of here for some fresh air."

"Like London air is fresh." Sirius scoffs.
"You should both go take a walk outside. You've been here for nearly two days straight. I'll stay and if anything happens, I'll send a Patronus." I promise.

"Alright." Sirius agrees.

The boys hurry down the corridor until they're out of sight.

Now, it's just me and my thoughts.

How did everything get so out of control. How did our best friend end up lying in a bed dying? Of all of us, Remus deserves to live the most. He was the one truly dealt an awful hand in life. He's been a werewolf since he was a little boy. And because of his curse, he's always been too afraid to fall in love. Now, it might be too late for that. Too late to fall in love...

I'm one of the lucky ones. I had two strong parents that loved me until the day they died. I have a big sister, who isn't fond of my magic, but deep down I know she'd have my back if I needed her- I just didn't know that until recently. I have James, who loves me more than he probably should. And I love him deeply and with every part of me.

We all have things to live for. So I need Remus to live for something- for all of us. He may not have found the kind of love that James and I share, but he has us and we're his family.

Marrying a Marauder meant marrying them all in a way. They were all a packaged deal and I wouldn't change that. Except when Sirius sings in the shower. Yeah, then I'd like to change that deal. Maybe by hexing him...

"Mrs. Potter?" Remus' main healer asks softly.


"Remus is awake right now. We think he's out of the woods in terms of dying, but with injuries like his, we can't promise that. I think he's really benefit from having some company right now. But just you, too many people might overwhelm him. We'll get a hold of your husband and Mr. Black." The healer steps aside and allows me into the small room.

Remus lies on his back. His skin resembles alabaster and bandages cover someone his injuries.

"Damn, those Death Eaters did a number on you." I comment as I sit in the chair beside his bed.

"I think they were actually trying to kill me." Remus jokes in a hushed breathy tone.

"No really?" I tease gently. "I'm glad you're awake," I add with a smile. "It was looking pretty bad for a while."

"I still feel rough." Remus stares at me for a moment. "What went wrong?" He asks slowly. I know what he wants to know. What happened on our mission that led to this?

"Remus, we can talk about this later-"

"No, I want to know now."

"Someone must have tipped off the Death Eaters." I admit. What else can I say?

"Lily, only a few of us knew about the mission. About ten of us to be exact." Remus declares with a look of shock on his face.

My blood instantly goes cold. "Do you know what you're implying? Because I don't think you do, Remus! These people are our friends. You're accusing James, Peter, Sirius, Frank, Alice, myself, and Albus. We're your closest friends, Remus."

"I know that. And trust me, I know the reality of what I'm implying. Look, I'm tired and in pain. It was probably just bad luck that we got found out." Remus decides, his voice calm and placid. However, his eyes tell a different story; a dark and ominous story.

This isn't the first time that one of our missions have gone horribly wrong. And if won't be the last. Of that, I am certain.

So, who can I really trust now? 

The story is starting to reach its darkest parts. I'm not going to lie. The story isn't a happy one- things have changed, people have changed and no one is going to get a happy ending.
At this point, the story may jump ahead quite a few months- hence removing a few scenes, but to be honest, I feel like finishing this story soon is in the best interests of everyone- me included. And I know everyone wants to see the gang through until the end.
So, with that being said, I'm hoping to update a little more often- likely longer chapters too, because let's be honest- no one likes short chapters. Also, the story will still have some moments of happiness and light- with the Marauders around you can expect a prank or two, and I'm sure the girls will have some interesting adventures.
Thanks for reading. Let me know your opinion on the time jump- I promise it won't be as bad as the one in Pretty Little Liars (I'm still asking myself why the hell the writers would do that!!!)

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