chapter 117

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Steve was tossing through some candy, trying to pick out the ones that he wanted when someone tapped his shoulder, making him jump and let out a small screech from the unexpected touch. "Damn it Buck, don't do that." He sighed heavily as he placed a hand over his racing heart and looked at him intently.

"Ya done?" Bucky cocked a brow at him, looking unamused as well.

"Okay, now don't get mad." Steve held up his hands in front of him to hopefully stop him, or keep him back so he has enough time to escape.

"Well don't tell me that cause that's exactly what you say when you want me to get mad!" Bucky glared at the blonde, ready to punch him or yell.

"Okay, then lemme start over." Steve reasoned then stood somewhat tall in front of him as he cleared his throat. "I'm sorry." He sighed.

Bucky was ready to punch him but then he stopped short at the sudden apology, looking at him quizzically, "what?"

"I'm sorry." Steve repeated.

"Uh, why?" Bucky cocked a brow.

"Because, like you said, I crashed and ruined your trip." Steve shrugged. Bucky was taken aback by that because that's what he said to the billionaire before and then he sighed heavily at realization. "I know you don't want me here but he isn't wrong, ya know?" The blonde shifted on his feet slightly. "I do miss my best friend." He mumbled.

"I know punk." Bucky sighed.

"Now that I think about it, he was right about everything he said." Steve pondered. "The bastard, how does he do that?" He exclaimed as he looked at the door to the gift shop quizzically, like it was the billionaire to give the look to, while the Sergeant scoffed and patted his arm lightly.

"No idea." Bucky shrugged as he was also starting to wonder the same thing too but then he shook his head to get back on track. "Ya couldn't have asked beforehand?" He somewhat whined at him.

"In my defense, I thought I did." Steve held up a finger at him as he spoke. "But then I realized that I just imagined that in my head the minute I got into the car with you guys cause that's when my brain decided to remind me." He shrugged while the soldier laughed at that.

"Well heads up woulda been nice." Bucky scoffed.

"Yeah I know, I know." Steve ruffled through his hair in thought. "I could go get a hotel and take Hailey with me while you go to a different one and do him." He suggested then yelped when he got hit in the head. "What?" He whined as he rubbed his head to hopefully soothe the pain.

"You're already on thin ice Steven, don't make it any worse." Bucky pointed a finger at him in warning.

"It's a suggestion!" Steve exclaimed.

"Watch it Steven." Bucky huffed.

"Alright but keep that plan, cause that was a good one." Steve suggested then yelped when he got hit in the head and the side this time. "Alright, scratch it then." He huffed.

"You are the worst." Bucky groaned.

"Riddle me this then." The Captain tapped his chin lightly in thought. "If I didn't come with you two and crash your trip, what were you going to do with him if not do him in every hotel you stopped at?" Steve pondered then yelped when he got hit again.

"I was going to go on a trip with my family." Bucky glared at the blonde. "The key words are my and family." He emphasized, giving the blonde a look.

"The thing is though, you two practically spend every waking moment with each other so how are you not sick of him?" Steve pondered in thought. "I mean, when I was dating him and I woke up next to him, I was practically already sick of him." He shrugged then groaned when he got hit again.

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