chapter 25

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Bucky cringed when he heard Tony. He whipped his head around when Clint started to run out, "Barton!" He was going to chase after him when he heard Tony clear his throat. He froze and turned back to face him, slowly. He looked at him and cringed, "hey doll."

Tony shook his head, "nope! Don't use that on me mister!" He pointed an accusing finger at him, "what the hell is the matter with you?"

Bucky flinched, that comment always worked. He fidgeted around, playing with his fingers, "we were just joking around doll."

Tony flailed his arms, then placed them on his hips, "well I wasn't." Bucky rose a brow at that and tilted his head, not understanding what he was talking about at all. Tony smirked when he realized the man didn't understand him. He walked over to him and pulled him down by his shirt. He grabbed his arm and made the man grab his ass as he ghosted his lips, "none for you." He tugged on his bottom lip then sauntered away, knowing the man was watching him like a hawk.

Bucky moaned and all he could do was follow Tony like a blind puppy. He grabbed the man's hand and tugged on it, "please doll... please." He continued to tug on his hand, and beg, while the man was still walking to their room.

Tony smirked as he heard the man beg. When he made it to their room he turned around and roamed his chest, "we'll see now, won't we Sarge?"

Bucky groaned at that and nestled his face in his neck, "I'm sorry doll... so sorry!" He mumbled as he hugged him, pulling him close to his body, "I'm sorry doll... I love you, I love you doll!"

Tony whined as he heard the man apologize. He nuzzled his nose against the man's cheek, "just... don't do it again... please?"

The soldier felt even worse about it now, "I'm so sorry doll!" He hugged him tightly, hoping the man wouldn't leave him or anything, "I'm so sorry!"

Tony hugged him, "I forgive you Bucky... I forgive you." He started to feel like he should explain himself to the man, "it just... it reminded me of what Steve did to me... that's all."

Bucky shot his head towards the man at the mention of the incident he caused. He instantly let go of him and started to back away, "Tony... I'm so sorry!" He didn't stop moving away from him, especially when the man started to move towards him. He gulped when he was backed into a wall, "Tony... I'm sorry about-" he was cut off when the man placed a finger on his lips.

Tony regretted telling him the reason, "Bucky... I forgave you a long time ago about that, but you need to forgive yourself too!" He pulled the man closer to him and looked him in the eyes, "I forgave you James Buchanan Barnes... you need to forgive yourself too." He kissed him softly as he held the man's face in his hands, "I love you James! I love you!" He shouted and pulled him back for a kiss, wrapping his arms around his neck and carding his fingers through his hair as he kissed him. He ghosted his lips, "I love you James! You hear that? I. Love. You. James! YOU!... and I forgave you the minute I knew I loved you!" He grabbed his arms and made the man wrap them around his body, "I knew I was in love with you when you didn't do anything with me, no matter how badly you wanted to, after Steve and I broke up... you respected me and my boundaries, you trust me completely, you love me unconditionally, you will always protect me no matter what happens, and you will do whatever it takes to make me happy... even if it meant that you had to wait for me or run the risk of me never looking at you like that, you still did whatever it took to make sure I was happy... and for that, James Buchanan Barnes, I am hopelessly and irretrievably and unconditionally in love with you! Not Steve, YOU!" He smiled when the man kissed him passionately after that, "I love you! And I will say it to you everyday, as long as you'll have me, until you start believing it because I really am hopelessly in love with you!" He kissed him again and yelped when he was lifted up and then laid down on the bed. He maneuvered himself so Bucky was placed right between his legs as he hugged him closely, "I love you Bucky!" He gasped when the man shot his head to his stomach.

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