chapter 22

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They both woke up at the same time and Bucky scrunched his nose up and wiggled their noses together, getting a giggle out of Tony. He kissed his head then closed his eyes, hugging the man tightly as he went back to sleep. Tony snuggled back into him too and sighed happily, going back to sleep as well.

Steve, Sam, and Clint walked in, being super quiet so they didn't wake them. Steve brought a finger to his lips and beckoned them out of the room. He gave them pillows and then they all rushed back.

Clint smirked and waited for the perfect moment. He lifted the pillow up when Bucky cleared his throat, "I suggest you don't do whatever it is your about to do."

They all stopped their movements and Tony shot up, not knowing who he was talking to or what he was talking about. He let out a little gasp when he saw the others in their room and turned to Bucky, not knowing how the man knew they were there while Bucky still had his eyes closed.

Clint whined, "hey! How did you know we were here?"

Bucky chuckled, his eyes still closed, while Tony planted his hands on his hips and gave them disapproving glares, looking like a disappointed mother, "I am a super soldier you know... if you want to sneak up on me, you can't have a beating heart."

Clint made a noise, Sam rolled his eyes, while Steve threw his pillows on the floor and glared at both of them, "yeah guys... show some respect to your elders, this is insulting!" He mocked the look of disappointment Tony had on his face and brought his hands to his hips as well.

Tony let out a noise, Clint and Sam gave him a look of betrayal, while Bucky scoffed at the comment. "Steven Grant Rogers, I can hear your heartbeat when you lie, you dipshit!" He still hadn't opened his eyes but he could tell the man was glaring at him, "so I suggest you don't lie to me."

Steve mocked offense, "why, I would never Bucky!"

The rest of them snorted while Bucky brought his hands behind his head, finally opening his eyes to look at him and looking bored, "oh?"

Steve brought his hands behind his body, acting like a child who just did a good deed and should get rewarded, "yup!" He nodded his head as he rolled back from his toes to the balls of his feet.

Bucky sat up and rose a brow, "really?"

Steve lost all confidence immediately, "um... yeah?"

The rest of them smirked as Steve suddenly stuttered.

Bucky smirked, "so... if I ask you a question, I'm not going to hear your heartbeat jump because you don't lie... is that correct?"

Steve felt his throat dry up, he gulped and started to fiddle with the collar of his shirt, "um... nope... I don't lie... never have, never will... not me!" He whistled a little tune, and refused to look at Bucky.

Bucky moved to the edge of the bed and pondered this, "sooo... if I were to ask you if you puked on the ride on Coney Island that I made you go on... you would say?"

Steve groaned, knowing this man could embarrass him the most, "I would say..." he mumbled the answer, but Bucky heard him while the rest rose their brows, not hearing the answer.

Bucky mocked confusion, "what was that Stevie?... I couldn't hear you clearly."

Steve groaned and brought his hands up to his face, blushing because Bucky was being a prick, "I said..." he still mumbled the answer, but it was definitely clearer than before - to Bucky at least.

Bucky continued to look baffled by the answer. He turned to Clint and Sam, "did you hear him guys?" They smirked but shook their heads, looking at Steve expectantly. Bucky turned to Tony and gave him a look of confusion, "did you hear him doll?" Tony blushed at the nickname, especially in front of everybody, but he shook his head with a small smile on his face. Bucky nodded his head and looked back at Steve, "we can't hear you Stevie."

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