chapter 6

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"Are we all going to keep looking at each other until we grow old or what?" Tony quipped.

Clint scoffed, Nat, Wanda, and Bruce rolled their eyes, Steve rose a brow, Sam was still cowering behind Nat and Steve to react, while Bucky shook his head to get out of his daze.

"Can we go somewhere... like the park?!" Tony started to bounce around, getting excited.

Bruce placed his hands on his hips, "Tony, you're still recovering, you can NOT go to the park!" He scolded the man.

Tony stopped bouncing around the room and looked directly at him, looking like a little kid as he gave him his best puppy eyes. He whined and walked over to him, "please Brucie! Please, please, please, please, please!! I want to go play!" He pestered him. Bruce glared at him and shook his head. Nobody could ever say that Tony gave up, because he was as stubborn as a mule - a child when he didn't get his way. He made a noise that sounded similar to a cry then plopped down to the floor, wrapping his arms around the man's legs and hugging them tightly as he looked up at Bruce with his puppy eyes.

Bruce almost fell when the man wrapped around his legs, and he almost choked when he saw how Tony was acting. "For goodness sakes Tony, you are an adult! Get up and quit pouting!" This time, he started to wobble when the brunette hugged his legs tighter. He grunted and looked down at him again, "No! You're still recovering and I need to make sure that they didn't do anything else to you before you can go to the park or whatever!" Tony whined even louder and pouted his lip, making it tremble slightly. "Tony, stop that right now, you're a grown ass man, now start acting like it and get up. And you're NOT going to the park." Bruce knew he said the wrong thing when Tony let go of his legs, but kicked his arms and legs in the air, falling back on the floor, whining and slightly screaming.

"God damnit Bruce, make it stop!" Clint barked, covering his ears from the billionaire's childish antics. Everybody agreed as they too, covered their ears.

Bruce walked over to him and gripped his ankles together and looked Tony right in the eye, "Tony, cut it out now! Get up and quit acting like a child!" Tony instantly shut-up but he didn't move to get up. Instead, he actually started to cry, making everybody else confused. Although it still sounded like a child that didn't get their way, he was still crying none the less. Bruce sighed and rubbed his temple with his free hand, "you really are a pain in my ass Stark!" He mumbled, making Tony instantly stop and look at him with hope in his eyes. The doctor rolled his eyes and looked at him, "fine, but you have to have someone with you at all times, got it?" He rose a brow challengingly and sighed again when the billionaire nodded his head excitedly.

Tony jumped up and cried out in joy as he was allowed to go out. "YAYAYAYAY!!... Brucie, won't you be coming though?" He stopped cheering and gave him a confused look.

The man shook his head, "no, in case something happens, I don't think we want the other guy to make more of a mess then needed to," he pointed to himself while talking sheepishly.

Tony frowned and walked over to him, "but everybody should go, it won't be the same without everybody there." He whined. Bruce sighed again, when Tony got an idea, "alright, new plan! We're not going to the park, let's go outside!" He pointed out the window to the open land they had right outside the compound.

The team was very confused as to how Tony could go from one mood to the next so quickly. They nodded their heads and they all looked at Bruce waiting for him to agree as well, "oh you're waiting for me?" He wasn't paying attention, and then suddenly realized they were looking at him expectantly, "sorry, yeah, sure, we could do that." Tony cheered again and bounced through the halls, going to get the rest of the team to tell them the exciting news.
All of them made it outside and were doing their own thing. Tony was playing with Clint while Bucky and Steve watched him intently on opposite sides of the backyard.

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