chapter 11

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After they left, Nat and Sam raced over to Tony and helped him up. Tony hugged Nat tightly, making the assassin tense at the touch, but when the man cried into her, she instantly wrapped her arms around him. Nat went to go make some tea, leaving Tony standing motionless in the middle of the living room.

Sam instantly wrapped his arms around the man's waist when Tony started to run the door. Tony slapped his arms, squirmed around, and continued to move towards the door but Sam held him back. "Let me go Wilson! Let. Me. Go!" He shouted as he continued to try and break free of his grip. He instantly collapsed on the floor and cried on the ground, "please don't hurt them... don't hurt him again... please!... don't hurt him!" Sam couldn't help but hold him; He didn't whisper soothing things in his ear because he didn't know what would happen to them so he couldn't give the man false hope when he doesn't have that right.

Natasha placed a hand over her mouth, letting silent tears fall down her face. She promised herself that she would get them back and kill them all for what they did, for Tony, she never wanted to see that man in that much pain ever again.

Bucky and Steve heard the cries Tony was making Steve clench his fists and Bucky to slam his elbow back against the wall, not caring about the pain it brought him or the tase he instantly got in response. They made Tony cry, and for that they were going to pay very dearly.

The two soldiers had cuffs on them which attached to the floor of the car, making them unable to attack the agents, as well as, muzzles on their mouths.

One of the agents smirked at both of them, "we'd've thought you two would've been used to this at least." The agent gestured towards the cuffs and both soldiers tilted their heads, making him grow a devilish smirk on his face, "what? Tony's not into these kinds of things?" Steve snarled at him while Bucky went to tackle him, but the restraints made him stay seated. "touched a nerve I see..." he had a smug look on his face when both of them growled at him, "so... both of you hmmm?" He pretended to ponder and then looked them up and down, "looks like the man's got a type." This time both of them went to tackle the man but were slammed back down in their seat from the restraints while the agents in the back scoffed or laughed at them.

Rumlow was sitting in the back and told the driver to start the car, "well, well, well..." He clapped his hands together slowly as he looked at them, "what did I tell you boys... early.... Christmas... this year!" He laughed, making every other agent burst out laughing as well and the soldiers to face their scowls to Rumlow. He looked at them and started to tilt his head, "you wanna know what I don't get?" He looked at everybody else in the car and got them to shake their heads, when he started again, "what makes that man so appealing? I mean... does he have some magic dick or something?" He wasn't done questioning them when both of them leaped towards him again, shaking the back of the van when they landed back in their seats. Rumlow smirked, knowing how riled up they were getting, "you both seem to enjoy him, I wonder how he is in bed," Steve tugged on his restraints, while Bucky screamed against the muzzle. "But do you really want to know what blows my mind?!" He leaned towards them, a devilish grin on his face, "Captain... how does it feel knowing that Tony get's more pleasure being with Bucky than he ever did with you?" Steve screamed against the muzzle and pulled on the binds even harder, the cuffs digging into his skin, but he didn't even notice. Bucky snarled at him and he too pulled on the restraints, wanting to kill him. "That's gotta hurt Captain." Rumlow placed a hand on his chest, mocking sympathy, "imagine that... your best friend in the whole world can do it better than you ever could." Steve screamed again, pulling on the restraints harder while he kicked his feet, "I mean... your ex seems to be making that clear every time they have sex... no?" Steve screamed even louder against the muzzle while Bucky pulled harder on his restraints some more.

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