chapter 68

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The helicarrier showed up and the SHIELD agents inside rushed out when they saw Tony on the ground.

The Avengers spread out so the agents could have a look while Bruce instantly shot his head up to look at them.

"Go clear a table and get me some bandages." He ordered, making the agents nod their heads then bolt back towards the vehicle. Bruce turned to some of the Avengers and made a motion with his head for them to go in the vehicle then looked at the soldier's and Thor. "Thor, I need you to hold this on the wound, and don't stop putting pressure on it even if Tony starts to cry and scream." The God nodded his head as he walked around the billionaire. Bruce looked at the soldiers next, "whatever you do, don't falter... walk steady and stay in sync, you don't then you're not going to like the possible outcome." The doctor turned to Bucky as he said the last part, making the brunette sadden but nod his head. Bruce made a motion for them to pick Tony up then started to pull at his tie as he walked in front of them. When he got inside, he pointed to a bunch of the agents and some of the Avengers as well, "get me an IV and some - any - scan of him stat!" He waved a finger at one of the agents. He turned to Scott and waved a finger at him next, "get some Neosporin and a clean scalpel." Bruce made a motion for the two soldier's to place Tony gently on the table while he then turned to Clint, "call SHIELD and tell them to set up an MRI scan, trauma cart, and CAT scan." He waved the man off then called him back, "Barton!... tell them to have it ready immediately." The archer nodded his head then called up the agency. Bruce turned to the girls next, "call Rhodey and Pepper... tell them to meet us at SHIELD immediately because it's an emergency but don't tell them what happened!" He waved them off next then started to hook up the billionaire to some of the machines in the helicarrier. "You don't need to be here anymore Steve, I'm done." He gave him a weak smile then turned to Bucky once the blonde left, very hesitantly though. "You staying?" He asked even though he knew the answer already.

Bucky gave him a firm head nod while Tony continued to let out small whimpers, "make it stop Bucky... make it stop..." he cried, holding the man's hand tightly as he squirmed around.

The soldier knelt down and moved his face close to Tony's head, "I'm sorry love, it's going to get better soon don't worry. Bruce can take of you." He kissed his head then brushed his hair as he looked at him with nothing but love and worry in his eyes, "it'll be okay Tony, it'll be okay."

Bruce got the stuff from Scott then started to line up the scalpel to Tony's stomach again, "I know I said that I was done, but I lied now that I think about it." He turned to look the man in the eyes and gave him a sorrowful look, "I just need to make the incision more clean so we hopefully avoid the risk of an infection." Tony let out a little whimper but nodded his head. Bruce started to cut again while everybody saddened once they heard the man cry out and cringed when they couldn't do anything to help him. Bruce finished then tossed the scalpel on another table, "I'm done Tony, I'm done. Trust me, now I'm done, I promise." He looked around and couldn't remember any of the agents names so he called for one of the Avengers. "Alright, one of you guys go get me a needle, I need to give him stitches."

Tony whined while Bucky nestled his face in the man's cheek, "I'm right here Tony, I'm right here." He whispered, giving him soft kisses every once in a while.

Steve ran in with the needle then gave Bruce a look, "need me to hold him down?"

Bruce nodded his head, "Thor!" He called for the God then made a motion with his head for the man to hold his upper body down, "hold him down."

The God nodded his head then placed a hand over the billionaire's chest, waiting for the signal to start actually holding him.

Bruce put the string through the needle perfectly then threw the pieces of clothing away, "one of you's!... bring me a garbage!" He called out. "Another one needs to get me some rubbing alcohol, or just alcohol in general." He got a small smile on his face when he got some of them to laugh, even if it was a weak laugh. "I also need a bandage!" He gave Wanda a small head nod when she placed a garbage bin next to his feet. "And more cloths! but make sure they're actually cloths and not articles of clothing!" He gave each person a small smile when he was handed the things he asked for then turned to the soldier and the God, "hold him down." He put the needle down then took the rubbing alcohol and put it on a cloth, dabbing it on the incision so he could hopefully clean it.

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