chapter 92

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It was now the nine month of Tony being pregnant and not only was Bucky freaking out but the team was as well.

Tony walked into the kitchen and laughed when he saw how nervous everyone was with the baby coming soon.

"Do you have a crib?"


"Dude! You need a crib! Where is the baby gonna sleep!?"

"If you say on the floor Barton, then so help me God."

"Do you have a designated room for the baby?"


"Did you paint it? And if so, what color?"

"We didn't paint it at all."

"We need paint!"

"Can I come!?"

"NO!" Everyone shouted when Clint asked to come.

The archer huffed, sitting in his seat as he crossed his arms with a frown, "it was one time guys. One. Time!"

"You were banned from there!"

"But it was still one time!" Clint glared at the Captain for his previous comment.

"I still don't even know how you set off all that paint to spill onto the floors because there weren't any trip wires or anything."

Clint got a smug smirk on his face, "that's for me to know and all of you to never find out."

"I say he goes."

Everybody whipped their heads to face the billionaire sitting in one of the kitchen chairs.

"He's literally banned!" Steve exclaimed again.

"I know, so go to another place that sells paint." Tony shrugged. "Where would you rather him be? Here at the compound with me or with you guys to go get paint?"

Clint beamed and shot out of his seat and kissed Tony's cheek, "you, Tony Stark, are wonderful!" He looked at the others and gave them smug smirks, "ha!"

Tony giggled from the kiss then blushed from the comment, "stop it Clint." He giggled again.

"Yeah, you're right. He's going." The girls said simultaneously.

Tony hummed while Clint beamed and bounced around the room, clapping his hands together like a giddy child from the news.
Once they all left, Tony staying at home alone because he told the others to leave and get out of the house to calm down, they headed for Lowes.

"Alright guys. What should I get? Trip wires?... Actual trip wires?" Clint nudged Sam and Steve, wiggling his brows at them both.

Nat walked in front of the three and turned to Sam. "Hold out your hands, I want to see something." She lifted her hands up then waited for the Falcon to copy her. "Alright. Never mind." She moved away then went towards the blonde, "you too." She waited for the Captain to do the same then shook her head lightly, "nope." She moved in front of the archer and waited for him to do the same. "Hold up your hands I want to see something." She hummed when the man copied then whipped something out of her pocket and clamped them around the archer's wrists. "You aren't doing one God damn thing Barton." Nat pointed a finger at him, warning him with her tone of voice then walked off with a smug smirk.

Clint jumped and was about to do something when he felt his wrists binded together. He shot his head down to see cuffs on his wrists, making him gape. He wiggled and squirmed his wrists around, somehow hoping that would do anything but it didn't. He groaned and shot his head to the red-head, glaring at her, "Romanoff!" He shouted, still trying to break of the cuffs by wiggling around in them.

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