chapter 57

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While Bucky was already awake, Tony was still sleeping when Nick Fury walked through the doors.

"Fury!" Clint bounced over to the man and started to bother him, "guess what?!" He poked his arm, trying to get a reaction out of him. The archer turned to the team while he pointed a finger at the agent, "what's his deal?"

The man walked over to Bucky and pointed a finger at him, giving him a cold stare that made the soldier gulp, "you treating him right Buchanan?"

Bucky shot his hands up from where he was standing in the middle of the kitchen, nodding his head, "of course!"

Fury gave him a slight head nod then turned to the other's, still pointing a finger at the Veteran, "is he?" The team laughed while Bucky made an offended noise but they all nodded their heads in response to the question. Fury seemed satisfied then walked over to Steve and Nat, crossing his arms, "where is the pain in the ass anyhow?"

Steve scoffed, pointing to the hallway that led to all their rooms while Nat crossed her arms too, somewhat leaning against the blonde, "sleeping of course." She deadpanned.

The Captain nodded his head in agreement while Fury scoffed, "well he's needed on a mission." He pushed past the two and stalked towards the hallway, his cape flowing behind him. "So are some of you!" He scolded, raising a finger up as he waved it at them, still "speed-walking" to the rooms.

Some of the members eye's widened while other's suddenly remembered where they needed to be.

Steve started to follow in step with Fury, "he ain't the easiest person to wake up, ya know." The blonde informed the agent.

Fury pointed a finger at a door, silently asking Steve if he got the right room. When he got a nod in response, he turned to the blonde and scoffed, "and I ain't the person that would care." He burst the door open and stalked over to Tony, pulling the covers over the billionaire then slapping him in the leg, not too harshly though, "Stark!"

Tony grumbled when the covers were pulled off of him but he looked up when he heard someone talking to him. He was about to yell at the person when he realized it was Fury and he tilted his head, rubbing his eyes, "Fury?... what are you doing here?" He grumbled, still waking up.

"You!" The agent pointed to Tony, wiggling his finger at him accusingly, "are supposed to be on a mission right now... with some of the other's as well!"

Tony whined as he sat up, "I don't want to!"

Fury was about to fire back when Steve stepped up, his hands on his hips, "last I checked Stark, you promised Pepper... and you don't want to break a promise you made to her now do ya?"

Tony gaped then shook his head frantically, suddenly wide awake, "no, no, no, no, no! I'll go!" He got out of bed instantly, "what's the mission on?"

Fury rose a brow when Tony started rushing around, "nothing like you guys haven't seen. Just need some information and if things go South then I'll call some of the others." Fury waved at the door, then went back to talking, "the mission should take 2-3 days tops and if I don't hear from you guys after day 5, then I'm calling in the others to help you. Got it?" The three nodded their heads in response then Fury walked out. "And don't take too long getting dressed, you're late already as it is."

They left the room while Tony went to the bathroom.

Fury walked back out to the kitchen and waved a finger between the original 6, "we need the original 6," then he waved a finger at Bucky, "you can go too if you want but you're not distracting them... especially him." He pointed to Tony when the man walked in and everybody else burst out laughing when the billionaire looked confused.

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