Chapter 1

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A new year at Hogwarts beggings, and I was in the station nine and three quarters, entering the train, while my dear parents were saying goodbye to my sister, not even caring about me.
I was trying to find my friends, Ivonne and Delilah, but I couldn't find anyone, when suddenly I stopped my tracks when I bumped in someone, a pale and blonde boy, Draco Malfoy, I hate this kid, he is a daddy boy, fucks a new girl everyday, the flirt from our house, and the only reason that I think he doesn't like me, it is because, I am friends with Harry Potter, the same Harry Potter that refused Draco's handshake back at 1st year, everybody from our house know he wanted to be friends with him.

"Watch where you are going Lakewood." Said the pale boy furrowing his brows in anger.

"Shut your mouth, Malfoy, your the one who bumped into me first." That is not exactly true, but I'm not letting him win.

"How dare you speak to me in that tone, I'm the only one who can rise their voice here!" He said while grabbing my wrist, but something was diferent, his voice, the way he looked at me, but I standed up for my self.

"Excuse me, but since when you are the owner of the world, daddy's boy." And at that sentence, he got furious, he was going to say something, but before he even had the chance, something else caught our attention, Ivonne calling my name.

"The train didn't even left the station, and your already getting yourself in problems Mr. Malfoy, C'mon Y/N." The white girl said, pulling me with her, and I left without saying another word.

"You both will never get away with eachother aren't you," she asked me, " I mean I hate the kid, but you, damm you hate him with all your veins."

"What do you want me to do anyway, he got a way of getting in my nerves, I don't know how." But he was diferent this year, way much taller, way much stronger, wait what am I saying, this is madness, I'm going mad.

"Well, you could just ignore him, instead of teasing him."

I completely ignore what she said, I was so into my thoughts, that I didn't even saw Delilah coming right in front of me and hugging me.

"Merlin! Delilah you scared me," I hugged the girl back, " Tell me how was your summer, baby."

"Oh it was fantastic dear, how was yours, I heard your sister invited Pansy Parkinson, to spend the summer at your manor, was it really bad?" The girl looked at me with a concerning face, she and Ivonne know exactly how my parents treat me at home, they always ask me how things are going and they even send me letters, I'm grateful to have them in my life.

"Well, I guess it could've been worse, you know." Before I could even say another thing, Ivonne stopped our conversation.

"Okay, for much that I am loving this conversation, we are in the middle of the hallway, so I suggest going to a cabin don't you think." The girl said while pulling us both, and entering in a empty cabin, we seat in the seats, and started talking, but I wasn't taking attention at all, I had to much in my head right now.

"Hey I'm gonna go check how's Harry, I didn't find him yet." They nodded their heads, and I left, and of course I had to bump into someone again as soon as I close the door behind me.

"Watch your steps Lakewood, twice in a day huh?" Of course it had to be Draco Malfoy again, he got closer to me, pushing me against the cabin door.

"Well, like I said before, you are the one who bumped into me first, if I didn't know you better, i'd say you're stalking me." You could literally see a smirk in my face, but I couldn't say the same about the boy right in front of me, he was pissed.

"You don't wanna see me angry, Lakewood, I assure you that." I wanted to follow Ivonne's advice, but like I said to her, he gets in to my nerves I don't know how.

"Is that so?! What are you going to do daddy's boy, fuck me like every other girl of our house, everybody knows you got a new one everyday and every night." With that I pulled him away from me, and leading my way to find Harry, but he grabbed my wrist from behind and whispered in my ear.

"You have no idea, what I can do to you, Lakewood." He pulled me even closer to him, and got even closer to my face "You are playing a dangerous game Lakewood." He left before I could say anything back, but the thing is, I'm glad he left because I didn't even knew what to say.

I was speechless.

I went on my way to find Harry, but those words didn't left my head even for a second.

"You have no idea, what I can do to you."

What is happening to me, I must be out of my mind, Draco Malfoy is a daddy's boy, a drama queen, a bully, I'm going mad.

I was so focused on my own thoughts that didn't even nottest myself passing through Harry.
"Y/N, hey, how are you, you okay, you look a bit tense?" He asked with a concerning face putting his hand on my shoulder, he has always been a good friend, I've always admiring how can he be such a good person, with those Dursleys treating him like garbage at home, and he still is such a great friend, nothing like Draco Malfoy, a flirt, a bully, but however doesn't get out of my fucking head.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine, I just got lost in my thoughts, I was looking for you actually Harry." He nodded his head, and smiled to me " Where is Hermione and Ron?"

"Oh, they are in the cabin, I was looking for you too actually, got something to tell you." He started walking to his cabin and I followed his gaze "Have you heard, apparently there's is something big happening this year at Hogwarts."

"Big? Who told you this?" - I made a confused look to the boy on my side while walking

"Ron did, I was wondering if you knew what it was." He stopped walking to look at me." U' know your parents know people so I thought they might know something."

"I'm sorry Harry this is all news for me, but do you think Dumbledore is going to say what it is today after the sorting." For much that my curiosity is pulling me, I still couldn't stop thinking what just happened five minutes ago with Draco.

"Dunno, but I hope so. " He nodded his head.

"For Merlin's I heard about the Quiditch World Cup catastrophe, you wrote to me telling you spend the summer with the Weasleys, and went with them there, are you okay, I saw the newspaper." I asked concerned, Harry just nodded and smiled.

"Yeah, I am just fine, but there's another thing that I need to speak with you, but I'll tell at Hogwarts, I have to go now, thanks." He left, making is way back to his cabin, I didn't followed him, I had to tell about this big event happening at Hogwarts to Ivonne and Delilah, they always know what is happening in there.

Hi guys, I really hope you will enjoy this story, I've already wrote the next chapter but if you have some advice pls I appreciate.
Thank you so much.

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