Chapter 5

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Thursday night came, Ivonne, Delilah and I came a little early to see some of the students put their names into the Goblet, suddenly, Fred and George passed throught the Great Hall door.

"Yes!" They were holding a little bottle each one, eveybody started claping.

"Thank you, thank you, well, lads, we've done it. Cooked it up just this morning." They boys said while showing of the bottles they were holding.

"It's not going to work." Hermione said, the boys got now closer to Hermione.

"Oh yeah?. And why is that, Granger?"

"You see this?" The girl pointed at the big circle drawed on the floor. " This is an Age Line, Dumbledore drew it himself."


"So a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by a dodge as pathetically dimwitted as an Aging Potion."

"But that's why it's so brilliant. Because it's so pathetically dimwitted." I've always admired how the twins finish each other sentences.

The boys standed up, now shaking the bottles they were holding.

"Ready, Fred?"

"Ready, George."

"Bottoms up." They drank the liquid inside the bottles and jumped inside the Age Line, eveybody started cheering when they saw that they actually did it.

"Ready?" At this they both put a piece of parchment with their names on it, inside the Goblet, everybody started cheering, until, suddenly the flames of the Goblet, threw the boys away and everybody yelled, their faces were now covered by beards, they looked like 70 years old men, and then started fighting, and eveyone laughed.

"Oh, right, you want a piece of me?!"

"I'll tear your ears off!"

"Now you're making me laugh."

"Take this! Come on!" Everyone was yelling. "Fight, fight, fight..."

"We're "old school", eh?" Fred said.

"Yeah, but you look older!" George responded, but suddenly, our attention was no longer in them, it was now focus on the Great Hall's door that was now opening, and Viktor Krum entered, along with his high master, Igor Karkaroff, leading his way to the Globet of Fire, putting a piece of parchment inside of it, and left without saying a word.

The night came, and eveybody was already in the Great Hall waiting for Dumbledore say something.

"Now the moment you've all been waiting for: the champion selection." The room was now darker only being illuminated by the Goblet flame, Dumbledore got closer to the Goblet, and suddenly it turned red,  and spit out a piece of parchment out of it.

"The Durmstrang champion is Viktor Krum." He standed up, on his way to greet Dumbledore, but I drove my attention off him, when I saw a pair of grey eyes looking at me, I made a confused look, but he was just staring.

"Y/N, why is Malfoy staring at you?" Ivonne asked me driving my attention of the boy, I just nodded my head and continued hearing Dumbledore, the flame spited out another piece of parchment.

"The champion for Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour." The Beauxbatons students started clapping and cheering, and a blonde and tall girl went to greet Dumbledore, and now the Goblet spited out the last piece of parchment.

"The Hogwarts champion, Cedric Diggory!" A brown haired boy standed up from the Hufflepuff table, and went to greet Dumbledore, he made sign to the three champions go to a diferent room, and they did as he told.

"Excellent! We now have our three chamipons, but in the end, only one will go down in history, only one will hoist this chalice of champions, this vessel of victory, the Triwizard Cup!" Dumbledore revealed now the a cup, but our attention was fastly moved to the Goblet again, that was now red, and once more spitted out another piece of parchment.

"Harry Potter. Harry Potter?" His gaze was now searching the whole room, looking for Harry, I flinched when I heard Harry's name, I mean why would Harry put his name to this Tournament, and how. "Harry Potter!" Dumbledore screamed Harry's name, until the boy standed up, went to Dumbledore, took the parchment, and was now walking through the middle of the students, and some of them started complaining.

"He's a cheat!"

"He's not even 17 yet!"

Dumbledore send everyone back to their dorms as soon as Harry left. Me, Ivonne and Delilah were walking through the halls making our way to the dungeons.

"Y/N, you're friends with Harry, did you know he putted his name in to the Goblet?" Delilah asked, I just nodded.

"But do you think he was the one who did it?" Ivonne asked me.

"Honestly I'm almost as surprised as you are, I have to speak with him first to see what he says." The girls nodded until I stopped our tracks. "Oh no, I left my bag in the Great Hall, you two keep going, I'm going to get my bag." I left the girls making my way to the Great Hall, taking my bag, and going to the dorms.

I get to the common room, it was empty, at least it was what I thought, until I felt a cold hand grabbing mine, and I turned around to see who was it.

"A little late for a girl like you, to walk around here isn't" Malfoy was now looking at me in the eyes.

"What do you want now, Malfoy." I rolled my eyes, making an upset face.

"Oh, I want a lot of things." He got closer to me, but I pulled away, amd brought some distance between us.

"I'm going to my dorms, and you should do the same." I was starting to leave when his voice stopped my tracks.

"So you are not going to say anything, about what happened at detention." He raised an eyebrow, and made a wide smirk.

"What hapenned there, it was a big mistake, a mistake that it won't happen again, it meant nothing, and you are nothing." I felt my self, unconsciously, getting closer to him, we were now face to face, staring at each others eyes, until, our lips touched again, this time, the kiss was longer, I didn't pulled away, instead I grabbed his face, amd he grabbed me by my waist, our lips were moving against each other, he was making his way to the buttons of my robe, and started unbutton them, but I stopped him.

"No, I can't, I..." I runed away, back to my dorm, this couldn't be happening, I couldn't be with, no, no it's madness. I knew I needed to speak with someone, but who?

I was walking to my dorm when he grabbed my arm, and pinned my to the wall.

"Didn't mummy ever tell you it was rude to left people hanging, Lakewood." His face was close to my, his hand grabbinb both of my arms." Why did you left, I thought it didn't meant nothing to you." The boy raised an eyebrown.

"And it still doesn't meant nothing to me!"

"Then why did you grabbed my face huh, why didn't you pulled me away just like last time, Lakewood." He had a super wide smirk on his face, I didn't say anything, for a moment, it was just us, staring at each other eyes, not speaking, not moving, until our lips touched again, he let go off my arms, and I grabbed his face again pulling him closer to me, but we were fastly interrupted by Blaise, opening his dorm door.

"Humm, good evening, I am sorry for interrupting, but, you know what just continue what your doing imma just go back to sleep." The boy went inside and closed the door, now me and Malfoy were looking at each other again.

"I, I have to go to my dorm, it's getting late, I should probably sleep." I let go off his face, and started walking away.

"Sweet dreams, Lakewood." I stopped my tracks, but when I turned around, the boy was nowhere to be seen, so I made my way back to my dorm.

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