Chapter 53

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Next morning, I woke up with an huge headache, due to the lots of crying last night.

Aside the headache, I also was tired, I barely slept the all night, worrying about Draco, where he spent the night, whether would he come back to sleep or not, I was awake almost the whole night, hoping that he would show up.

I waited the all morning in the bedroom, reading a random book from Draco's shelve, knowing that even if I went to look for him, I wouldn't find him, he would probably be in a place that he knows I wouldn't never find him, it's his house anyways.

I was so distracted by my thoughts, that most of the times, I had to re-read the same paragraph twice.

I waited impatiently for his arrive to the room, nervously shaking my leg, while reading, he would show up, eventually, he would need something from his bedroom, and I would be here when he does.

Suddenly, the door swing open, and I quickly stood up from the bed, but my anxious rised again, as soon as I saw it was just the house elf who bringed meals, so I remembered to ask him, it was my last resort after all.

"Hey, do you now where Draco can be?" I asked the elf, lately, I've been so concentrate in my own things that even remembered to ask the elf name, but this wasn't the best opportunity to do so after all.

"Master Draco, usuallys go to his tree when he's sad or emotional." The elf said.

"His tree?" I asked.

"It's outside, in the left side of the maze." The elf said.

"Okay thank you." I said and the elf left.

It didn't even passed five seconds before grabbed my black cloak and paced out of the bedroom, and quickly went outside.

When I got to the maze I could see already the tree far away on the left side of the maze, but was too far away to say if Draco whether was there or not.

I rushed towards there, but it looked like an adventure to get there, it was a maze after all, I've always got to dead ends, or to the place where I just started, I tried many paths, honestly, I couldn't believe how Draco has never get lost when comes here, even if he had memorized the path, this was all too confusing and tricky.

After a few more multiple trys, I finaly found the right path, and ended up in the tree the elf told me about.

Draco, he was there, layed on a tree trunk, watching the black clouds moving in the dark skie.

"Draco..." I said, and he turned his gaze at me, surprised to see me there.

"What are you doing here? How did you find out I was here?" He asked abruptly. "And why do you look like a mess?" His gaze went through all my body, looking up and down.

I didn't even realized how bad I was for walking through the maze, my clothes were dirty, I had leafs all over my hair that was all disheveled and messy.

"Well, it's not my fault that you have a maze in your house, honestly, how do you came here so easily and neat." I asked, taking some leafs out of my hair abruptly.

"You do know there is a gate right there, that leads exactly, to the entrance of the manor, right?" He said, and I drove my gaze of him, to look at the big gate right in front of my face and my blushed in embarrassment.

He started laughing when saw my face, as I bitted the iniside of my cheek, trying to hide my embarrassment, and he got out of the tree walking towards me.

"Come on, let's get you inside to clean you up." He said grabbing my hand gently, and pulling my hand with him, and this time, we used the path through the gate instead of the complicated path of the maze, obviously.

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