Chapter 39

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In that night, while on my way to my dorm, I saw Draco leaving his, he didn't saw me, he looked tense, I wondered where was he going all suit up at this time of the night, so, I followed him.

First I thought he was going to the Astronomy Tower, but then he passed the stairs leading to there, which intrigued me, I was a reasonable quantity off steps behind him, when, he turns in a corner, and then he just, vanished, there wasn't a door or a corridors where he could turn around, he just completely vanished.

I looked for him for a few seconds but walked away to my dorm when I didn't find him, which was really odd, unless he can pass through the walls, he didn't had anywhere to go.

"Hey Y/N." Delilah said when I stepped in our dorm.

"Hey, so...I have something to tell you..." I said, and sat on my bed. ", me and Draco broke up, for real this time."

"What? Why you guys were literally made for each other." Delilah said.

"Well, it's a thing between us okay, just, just forget it okay." I said looking away from them.

"What...but Y/N-" I cut Ivonne off.

"Just forget it okay!" I yelled with tears in my eyes, I wanted to tell them so much, all this feelings that I have to keep for myself, there corrupting me, why am I protecting him anyways.

"...I'm sorry...come here." Both stood up from their beds and gave me a tight hug, while I let my tears falling down my cheeks.

"Look, you have the right to keep that between you and Draco, but if you ever wanna talk, just know we are here." Delilah said.

"I know, I know, thank you." I pulled away and wiped my tears away.

"Go to sleep Y/N, rest your head dear." Delilah said to me.


During all the week, I've been avoiding Draco, not that was really necessary, I only see him in some classes, he barely shows up to eat, and I still see him walking around the corridors at night.

For my surprise, Harry has become the top of the class at Potions, better then Hermione or Ivonne, Slughorn thinks that he's a genius, which is quite odd, Harry wasn't a bad student, but he wasn't the best either, but suddenly he becomes even better then Hermione, quite odd, even Ivonne had say that.

More weeks pass by, and Draco barely comes to the classes, it was October now, me, Ivonne and Delilah decided to go to the Three Broomsticks.

"I'm telling you he was looking at you Delilah." Ivonne said while we were walking in to Hogsmead.

"Well, I don't care, I don't give a fuck, besides I already told you, someone." Delilah said.

"When are you going to tell us who that person is?" Ivonne asked.

"Hmmm let me see..."Delilah said in a sarcastic tone. "How about...never." She smirked.

"Huh, come on Delilah, don't be like that." I said.

"No, I'm never going to tell you, end off the storie." We rolled our eyes, and just kept walking to the Three Broomsticks.

We sat in a table, Ivonne and Delilah in my front.

"So what is going to be?" Madame Rosmerta asked.

"Three butterbears please." Ivonne said and Rosmerta walked away.

"Oh there's Professor Slughorn over there, have you been invited to his Christmas party?" Delilah asked.

"I did, I'm going with Blaise, how about you?" Ivonne said, suddenly Rosmerta bringed our butterbears leaving them on the table.

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