Chapter 61

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The Malfoy Manor, we arrived at once, this times was a bit different, Death Eaters at the gates, checking who enters and leaves the house, some Snatchers as well, something tells me that my freedom and my walks on the maze were no longer be happening.

The inside of the manor was different as well, Death Eaters all over the way, there wasn't an empty place or corner to hide, I almost felt dizzy, just to walk through those corridors, the smell of dark magic was able to feel and smell whenever I was.

"Y/N!" Stephanie shouted and hugged me, when arrived to Draco's room where I was unpacking, and so was he.

"Hey, I received your letter." I said, sitting on the cold, sheets of the bed, and so did my sister. "When it will happen?" I asked softly.

"As soon as father arrives, which is probably in a few hours." She said looking down at the palms on her lap.

"Steph, I'm really sorry." I placed a hand, softly on her shoulder, as her gaze continued focus on her hands.

"It's okay, I deserve it after all, and how's things with-" A loud noise came from downstairs, driving our attention to the door.

"What is that noise?" Steph asked.

"I'll see what it is, you both stay here." Draco said softly, opening the door slightly and stepping out of the room, closing it again.

"What were you talking about?" I asked.

"Oh, I was just asking how's things with Ivonne and Delilah." She asked, driving her gaze to me.

"Oh, we're good, the firsts day there, were dreadful, but, everything is good now." I said softly.

"And what about Hogwarts?" She asked concerned.

"Well, you probably heard about the Carrows, and their severes abd inhuman punishments to the students, Amycus, our teacher of the Dark Arts, makes us use dark curses, the unforgivable ones as well, and Alecto only talks about how vicious and measurable the Muggles are." I said coldly, not wanting to remember again what happened in those classes.

"Yeah, I heard about that." Suddenly our gazes were cut off by the door swing open, and Draco abruptly steps in the room.

"Your father is here." He said coldly.

"Already?!" My sister said frustrated.

"And that's not all, the prisioner he brings Y/N, is Luna Lovegood." He said, looking deeply into my eyes, waiting for my reaction.

"What, no, that's not possible, it doesn't make any sense." I stood up, and started pacing abruptly all around the room. "Why?"

"Due to the things her father, Xenophilius Lovegood, has been writing on the Quibbler, he is a full suporter of Harry Potter, so, as a punishment, they took his daughter." He said placing both hands in his pockets.

"What are they gonna do with her?" I asked concerned.

"I don't know, nobody told me." Suddenly a knock on our door, caught our attention, and Draco went to open it, as Narcissa, was outside, with an sad expression.

"I'm sorry to interrupted, but your father wants to see you." Narcissa said turning her gaze at my sister, giving her an apologetic look.

My sister nodded her head, and stood up from the bed, walking right at her fate, and followed Narcissa.

She may think she deserves it, but, she's the only family I have left, I didn't wanted to her life be destroyed as well.

I rushed away from the room, and completely ignored Draco's loud words trying to stop me, I just kept walking through that old, grotesque, dark hallway, until reached the old-fashioned stairs, and went down at the dinning room.

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