Chapter 3

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"It's Mad - Eye Moody." Delilah said.

"I've heard about him, was once an Auror, half of the cells in Azkaban are filled thanks to him." Ivonne told us but without even looking at us.

"I've heard he is mad as a hatter these days." Delilah got closer to my as she spoke, but we were both looking at the man getting closer to Dumbledore. He had a fake leg, and was limping, but the face was the more intriguing, he had an fake eye, but it wasn't entirely fake, it was looking around between all the room, I wonder if he can see through that thing, he greeted Dumbledore and went to the back, while Bartemius Crouch, was now next to Dumbledore.

"After due consideration the Ministry has concluded that, for their own safety, no student under the age of 17, shall be allowed to put forth their name for the Triwiza....." Bartmius Crouch was fastly interrupted by almost all the students complaining about this rule, no one could hear what he was saying, however he continued speaking.

"That's rubbish!" Fred and George Weasley could even speak louder that Mr. Crouch itself.

"Silence!" Everyone went quiet as soon as Dumbledore said that, and suddenly he took his wand out of his pocket and revealing now a goblet with a blue flame on it.

"The Goblet of Fire, anyone wishing to submit themselves to the tournament, need only write their name upon a piece of parchment, and throw it in the flame before this hour on Thursday night, do not do so lightly, if choosen, there's no turning back, as for this moment, the Triwizard Tournament has begun." Dumbledore nodded and made his way back to his seat.

"Oh for Merlin yes, I'm finaly gonna eat my desert!" Delilah had an super happy face, after the feast everyone went to their dorms including us.

In the next day, our first class was Defense Against the Dark Arts, with Mad - Eye Moody.

We get to the classroom, everybody was seating, and I was with Ivonne, right behind of Draco Malfoy, which is a nightmare. As soon as I passed the door I felt myself fall when somebody push me, and all the class was laughing of me.

"Watch your steps, Lakewood." The pale boy said, but now, getting closer to my ear, and whispering. " Let the games begin." and he went to his seat. I got myself up, and went to my seat.

"What happened over there Y/N, everything okay, you're not hurted are you?" Ivonne immediately started to freaking out, but I placed my hands on her shoulders calming her down and saying that I'm fine, and suddenly, the door swing opens and he enters the class.

"I'm Alastor Moody, Ex - Auror, Ministry malcontent, and your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, I'm here because Dumbledore asked me. End of the story, goodbye, the end. Any questions?" Nobody said anything, everybody was super quiet, not like our normal classes.

"When it comes to the Dark Arts, I believe in a pratical approach, but first, which of you can tell me how many Unforgivable Curses there are?"

The only person speaking was Hermione.
"Three, sir."

"And they are so named?" He started now writing on the dark board.

"Because they are unforgivable, the use of any of them will....." she was fastly interrupted by him finishing the sentence.
"Will earn you a one-way ticket to Azkaban, correct. And the Ministry says you're too young to see what these curses do, I say diferent! You need to know what you're up against, you need to be prepared!" He was now writing again in the dark board. " You need to find another place to put your chewing gum besides the under side of your desk, Mr. Finnigan!"

Seamus, a Gryfindor, whispered something to his classmate, but I couldn't hear, and I thought nobody did, when suddenly I flinched when I saw Moody throwing the chalk almost hitting Seamus head.

"And hear across classrooms!" Everybody turn to the front, eveybody was quiet, he was now getting closer to us. "So which curse shall we see first? Weasley! "

"Yes?" Ron jumped of scared, Moody's voice was scary and strict.

"Stand" He asked the boy, to stand on his feet. "Give us a curse."

"Well, my dad did tell me about one. The Imperius Curse." The boy was now face to face with Moody, but you could see the fear throught his eyes.

"Oh, yeah, your father would know all about that, gave the Ministry quite a bit of grief a few years ago, perhaps this will show you why." He made his way to his desk where was a lot of the most bizarre creatures, he took one out of a jar, it looked like some sort of spider to me, but I couldn't really tell what it was.

"Engorgio." Moody mutered those words to the creature, now way bigger of it actually size. "Imperio." Then he started doing what he wanted with the creature, messing around between the students to scared them, all of us where laughing, he was now pairing the creature above Ron's head, the boy was freaking out.

"If she bites...she's lethal."And Moody places the creature on Ron's face at this Draco started laughing really hard. " What are you laughing at?" He placed the creature on Draco's face and everybody left out a really loud laugh, I was one of those, he finally got what he deserved anyways, he started hitting Goyle, telling him to get it off, literally freaking out, everybody was laughing and clapping, even Moody was laughing.

"Talented, isn't she, what should I have her to do next? Jump out the window, drown herself?" The creature was now pairing above of a bucket of water, until he placed her back to his hand. " Scores of witches and wizards have claimed, that they only did You-Know-Who's bidding, under the influence of the Imperius Curse, but here's the rub: how do we sort out the liars?" His gaze was now looking around the whole class, looking for someone to say something about the next curse. "Another, another." Everybody started raising their hands, but he was looking into Nevile who was hesitant about raising his hand. "Longbottom, is it? Up." The boy nodded his head, and got to this feet. " Professor Sprout tells me you have an aptitude for herbology." Nevile didn't said anything, just nodded his head and told the next curse.

"There's the....The Cruciatus Curse."

"Correct, correct. Come, come." He made sign to the boy to follow him to his desk.

"The torture curse." He put the creature down on the desk, and pointed his wand to her. "Crucio!" As soon as he said these words, the creature was squealing, twisting herself in so much pain that it was hard to watch, Neville was starting to being bothered by the sound of it, closing his eyes, trying to look away from the creature.

"Stop it! Can't you see it's bothering him? Stop it!" Hermione spoke really loud to make sure he would hear it, then Moody looked at Nevile and imediatly stopped, he took the creature back to this hand again and walked to Hermione's desk, putting the creature on the top of it.

"Perhaps you could give us the last Unforgivable Curse, Miss Granger." Hermione nodded her head, she was holding her crying, she wasn't saying anything, she wasn't even looking at Moody. "Avada Kedavra!" A ligh green flash, appear on his wand, it was so fast, when I looked, the creature was dead. "The Killing Curse. Only one person is know to have survived it, and it's sitting in this room." He was now looking at Harry, without saying anything, he just took a sip out of his bottle and dismissed the class.

"He's mad, I mean he's a genius, got a lot of experience in Dark Arts and all, but still he is mad." Delilah was walking with me and Ivonne, making our way to Potions with professor Snape.

"Ivonne, you have been a little bit of these days, everything okay?" I could feel that I interrupted some deep thought, she flinched when I called her name.

"Yeah, it's just, Alastor Moody as a teacher, what has gotten into Dumbledore this time, teaching The Unforgivable Curses in a classroom, who in their perfect mind would do that, anyways forget that I said this, let's just go to Potions or we are going to get late.

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