Chapter 13

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The day of the second task came, and I went with, Ivonne, Delilah, Blaise and Draco to the lake where was happening.

When we got there the champions were already in their places waiting to enter in the water, we were standing on the stand on the top of the champions, Ivonne on my right side and Draco on the left, and we were looking down at them, until they entered in the water.

"I hope Pottah finishes in last, or better that he stays down there and never gets out." Draco said in my ear, and I looked at him, giving him a push on his shoulder.

"Draco...he may be an ass hole, but that's not nice." He just looked at me, his gaze looking forth my lips and my eyes, our faces inches away from each other, until he kissed my lips.

"Need a room?" I pushed Draco away, and turned around and saw Ivonne laughing at me.

"Really witty, Rosemount." Draco said at her, and we turned to look down at the water again.

After a while, Dumbledore announced that Fleur Delacour quited from the task.

After a few more minutes, Cedric showed up with Cho, the girl he went with at the Yule Ball, then Viktor with Hermione, and Harry was nowhere to be seen.

"Well, looks like my wish became true." Draco said in an amused tone, and before I could say anything, Ron and a little girl showed up from the water, and Harry a few moments later, everybody started cheering, except us, after that, Dumbledore announced that Harry gained second place, for saving not only Ron but the girl too, and then we all left.

Months have pass by, and now I was having lunch with Ivonne and Delilah earlier, because we had a free period this morning.

"Y/N, where's Draco?" I turned around and saw Blaise behind me.

"I don't know, I thought that he was with you?" I raised an eyebrown.

"No, I haven't seen him today, I thought he was with you have any idea where can he be." Blaise said.

"No, I don't." The boy nodded, and made a wide smile when he catched Ivonne's eyes, and she smiled back, they stayed like that for a while, staring, until he left the Great Hall, and my head couldn't stop thinking where could Draco be, he didn't even appear to lunch, what if something bad happened, what if he forgot about me, I was so focused in my thoughts, that I didn't even heard what Delilah said, until she waved her hand in front of my eyes.

"Did you heard anything I said?" Delilah asked.

"I'm sorry...I was...just thinking." I said while I looked back at my plate, and started eating again. "What where you saying."

"I was saying that lately, Ivonne and Blaise have been really close, don't you think Y/N." She said with a really amusing tone in her voice, and raised an eyebrown at me, I laughed and almost spited out the bit of food I had just putted in my mouth.

"So what, we're really good friends, I can't have friends now?" Ivonne said.

"We were just saying, we weren't insinuating anything, you are the one who is insinuating things." I said, and Delilah spited out all the water she drank, and blasted out of laugh, Ivonne expression was shocked, she turned her gaze to her plate without having anything to say back.

After lunch, we had Potions class, and I couldn't be more excited to see Draco, to ask where has he been. We got to the classroom, and my gaze was searching through the all room looking for Draco, but no sign of him, I waited but he didn't showed up for any of the classes, he missed all of them. We went to our dorm, and I seated on the side of my window, focused on my thoughts, looking at the grey and rainy sky, the clouds covering the sun, until I heard a knock on the door, and Draco went inside.

"Y/N, come with...." He was cut off by me getting out off the window, and stepping closer to him.

"Where have you been, I was worried about you, I thought something bad happened to you!" The boy looked me in the eyes, and grabbed my hand.

"I'm so sorry, it was never my intention to worry you, I missed all day because I have something to show you." The boy said, while dragging me out off the dorm, and going straight to the Astronomy Tower.

When we reached the top of the staircases, the tower was different, thousands of beautiful golden lights were hanging all over the balcony, and a little green picnic towel was spread on the floor, and on the top of it, were two plates, a basket with a lot of food inside, two glasses, and a lot of candles were floating around us and there was a path of white rose petals that leading to were I was standing.

"Draco, made all this...for me." I asked with tears almost going down my face.

"Of course I did, this place is so special, so I thought to make it even more special, by turning it into our place." I imediatly hugged him like never before, with tears running down my face, and he hugged me back.

When I pushed away, he placed his hands on my face , wipping my tears with his thumb, while my hands were wrapped around him.

"Why are you crying princess?" He asked looking me right in the eye.

"Because this is so are so beautiful, you missed all the classes for me, even Potions."

"I'm giving a shit to the classes, you are more important." He then placed a kiss on my lips, and then dragged me to the towel sitting me down, and he sat in front of me.

He took of the basket, a bottle of wine, and filled both of our glasses.

"Draco, where did you get that wine?" I asked while I grabbed the wine.

"I guess we'll never know." He blinked an eye and smirked at me, we both laugh.

After we ate, we talked for hours, and hours, and then while I was talking, I noticed Draco looking at me, but not paying attention, just staring like a way I've never seen before, his eyes were shining with the moonlight reflecting in them, he had the purest gaze I've ever saw in his eyes.

"Are listening anything I'm saying?" I asked.

"Hmmm....oh right I'm sorry, I was thinking." I stood up, and walked towards the boy and sat next to him.

"No you weren't thinking, you were admiring." I smirked at him.

"I hate those little games of yours." After that sentence, he crashed his lips onto mine, a slow but passionate kiss, I just wanted this moment to last forever, the moonlight pointed right at us, the romantic scenery we were in, it was perfect.

He pulled away, standing up, and grabbing my hand, so I stood up too. We turned around now, looking at the beautiful landscape, our fingers interline, and I let my head fall on his shoulder, and I closed my eyes.

"It's amazing isn't...last year we hatred  each other, and now, look at us." I opened my eyes and drove my gaze at him.

"I still hate you though." I smirked, he turned his gaze at me and placed his hand on my warm cheek.

"Think you're very funny, do you?!" He lifted my head off his shoulder, and tilted my chin to look at him, and placed a kiss on my lips.

We sat down again, I layed my head in his lap, while he played with my hair, and we both fell asleep.

Forbidden Love // Draco Malfoy × Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now