Chapter 73

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"Let us out you filthy squid!" Pansy shouted at Filch when he shoted the door of the cell closed.

"Hey, open this fucking door you hear me!" I yelled, forcing my hands on the iron bars of the cell we were in.

I took out my wand and pointed it towards the cell, shouting multiple spells but nothing, it wouldn't open.

"Alohomora!" I shouted towards the cell lock, but, like predicted, nothing happened.

"Are you going to try that again?!" Draco asked sarcastically.

"Well, do you have any more idea?! I would be delighted to hear them." I shouted sarcastically at him, driving my gaze of the door cell.

"The magic won't work here, just like the dungeons of my Manor, so stop trying that it's beyond useless." He said firmly, with his back relaxing against the stone wall.

"We have to do something!" I shouted angrily, trying to break the bars with my bare hands.

"Well if you keep doing that, you're going to break your hands instead of the bars." He said sarcastically.

He was right, my hands were already red due to the pressure I was making in the bars, I gave up, and relaxed my back on the same wall Draco was, ignoring the imense burning of my hands.

"Hey, you fucking idiot, you better open this door or I swear to Merlin that I'll rip your cat wide open!" Delilah shouted angrily, and I quickly rushed over her, calming her down, but being scared for all the accumulated rage I saw in her eyes. "Yeah that's right, I'll do it!" She shouted, before I pulled her away from the door.

"Merlin's beards, calm down Delilah." I said softly.

Until now I was so focused on opening the cell, that I didn't noticed the itching burning on my left arm.

I walked towards Draco, pulling him gently into a corner to speak with him making sure no one would hear, even thought everybody knew about us being Death Eaters, but I wanted to avoid the immensely gossip.

"Is yours burning as well?" I whispered softly, only making him hear it.

"Yes, it is." He replied softly, crossing his arms in front of his chest as his gaze went through all the room.

"He's calling all the Death Eaters isn't he?" I asked, already knowing the further answer, just waiting for his affirmation.

He nodded his head, finally locking his gaze with mine, giving me an apologetic look, we all knew what this meant, I knew a war was coming but didn't expected to be this early.

It was frightening just to think about it, people dying, losing people, the need to harm people in order to stay alive, maybe this was for the best, just stay here, away from danger, hiding like cowards.

We heard extremely loud noises coming from ourside but, it looked like tiny, multiples, explosions around the castle, we didn't even had a window to look through.

It was all the sound of small explosions until we heard a huge one, echoing in our ears, all around the castle, like a lightning struck that lasted a few amount of seconds.

Not longer after that, we felted, Hogwarts starting to get attacked, we heard the noises upstairs, making everything here shake.

"BANG!" All of us jumped when we heard an explosion on the cell, making the door, fell on the floor, setting us free.

All the Slytherins started running away, pushing everyone to get out, Draco grabbed my hand and psuhed me outside as well, and then, between the crowd I saw Neville.

Forbidden Love // Draco Malfoy × Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now