Chapter 9

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I woke up in the morning with his hand around my waist, and he was playing with my hair.

"Good morning." His morning voice made me get butterflies, I gave him a small smile, and got up to dress.

After we were both dressed up, he seated in his bed and propused me to do the same.

"There's something I need to tell you...No one can know about whatever this is...not until I see what to do about my father." He looked at me concerned, his eyes locked with mine, afraid that I would get mad at him.

"Okay, so we are going to pretend that we hate each other, yeah I can do that." I let out a small laugh and so did he.

I left his room, and he did the same moments after me, I rushed to my dorm, hoping that Ivonne and Delilah, didn't went to classes yet, lucky me I caught them in the middle of the hallway.

"Y/N, where in the hell have you been?!" Ivonne rushed into me.

"Don't worry, I'll tell you guys everything later, let's go to class now." The girls looked at each other with an curiosity, but concerned look, until I grabbed their hands and pulled them with me to go to class.

In the end of the day, we went to our dorm, where I told them everything that happened with Draco.

"He's playing with you Y/N." Each one of us were sitting on my bed, forming a shape of a circle, Ivonne on my left, and Delilah at my right.

"Why do you say that Delilah?" I furrowed my eyebrowns looking at the girl with her arms crossed on her chest.

"Blimey Y/N, use your brain, don't you think if he actually liked you, he would tell everyone in the school." I nodded my head on disbelief. "Listen, that is probably what he says to all the girls he fucks, just last week he probably fucked about ten girls, he playing with you, and your buying with it. I drove my gaze off the girl and got up the bed.

"I be right back, I need to take some air." I opened the door and left without saying another words to the girls, and went to the Astronomy Tower.

I got at the top of the long staircase, and saw a white haired boy standing there watching the sunset, without him noticing my presence I walked towards him slowly.

"Good evening, ferret boy." He jumped of scared when he heard me, I felt like I interrupted some deep thought.

"Aww, so we back to the nicknames are we?" The boy said in an amused tone, and came to hug me, and it felt good, I wanted to stay like this forever, but he let go and went to seat, and I did the same sitting on his right, and letting my head fall on his shoulder.

"How was your day, princess?" I flinched at the nickname, he never called me that before, but I liked it, and a small smirk formed on my lips before I answer him, he was staring at me, but my gaze was into the sunset in front of me.

"It was normal, how was yours?" I turned now my gaze at him, locking my eyes with his, and taking my head off his shoulder.

"Honestly not very good, that Pansy is always bothering me..." He rolled his eyes and started doing a really thin voice on a way to try to imitate Pansy. "You look so beautiful today, do you want me to do your homework, want to hang out...."  He looked at the view again, and I let out a small laugh at hearing his attemptt to imitate Pansy's voice. "She is so annoying."

"Well I heard her telling my sister, that she is been in love with you since a long time, what the fuck does she sees in you." I turned my gaze back at watching the sunset with a smirk on my lips, while he turned to me again, grabbing my face to look at him.

"You know exactly what she sees in me don't you, love?" The nickname he just called me went up and down my spine, making me get butterflies, until I felt his warm lips on mine, the sensation of his teeth biting my lower lip, made me giggle, and I grabbed his face with my palms, while he grabbed my neck pulling me closer to him, and I could feel his cold rings, pressing against my skin. The night came and we went to the dormitories, when I got there Ivonne and Delilah were already sleeping, so without waking them, I dressed my pijamas and layed down in bed falling asleep.

A few weeks have passed and me and Draco were getting closer but that were still times when he's still cold with me and locks himself, I've been meeting Hermione in the library to studies Potions, even thought that I had no more interest what so ever, in having another partner and she ended up telling that the first task of the tournament were dragons.

"Dragons?!" How much time does Harry know about this."

"Since that day that Professor Moody transformed Draco into a ferret, he completely forgot to tell you." We were seated in a table between the amount of shelves of books along the library.

"Yeah we never spoke after that day. How is he?"

"Well he is nervous, obviously, but he's good." I nodded my head, we left the library and each one went to their dorms.

The day of the first task came, and I went with Ivonne and Delilah to watch it, when we got there we seated between the crowd, right at the top.

The first conquester, was Cedric that fought with the Swedish Short-Snout, followed by Fleur with the Welsh Green and Krum with the Chinese Fireball.

Harry was the last with the Hungarian Horntail and I could see he was scared for life, he started to run to the egg, but his tracks were stoped by the dragon, Harry runned away from the dragon, and hide himself behind a rock, and shouted something from his wand, suddenly his broomstick, flew over our heads, heading to Harry, he was flying around with it, trying to catch the egg, when suddenly, the chain stopping Horntail from fly around broke and he was now chasing Harry through the all school until they disappeared from my fiel of view.

Moments, and moments have passed, and still, no sign of Harry, everyone was looking around bu still, they were nowhere to be seen, but finaly moments later Harry flew above our heads, everybody started clapping and cheering, and he got the egg.

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