Chapter 33

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The day of the O.W.L.s, it was in the Great Hall, it was different, instead of 4 long tables, there were one small table for each student.

Umbridge was standing in the center, looking at all of us, doing our exams.

Suddenly, we started hearing really loud noises, like some kind of explosions, we turned our gaze to the Great Hall door, which was closed, but didn't say anything.

Umbridge started walking towards the door and the noises became louder, as soon as she opened the door, a litlle blue firework entered and poped in the middle of the Great Hall.

Umbridge stood there, trying to figure out where that came from, and suddenly Fred and George flew over her head, almost bringing her to the floor, and started taking our exams to the air, mixing them, and throwing them away.

They started launching fire work in the room, fireworks that were made by them, they were beautiful little fireworks that exploded next to us.

Umbridge walked into the room again, panicking, her fake smile completely fade away from her face.

Suddenly one little firework stopped in front of Goyle, scaring him, and then in front of Crabbe and he runned away and the firework popped right in his butt.

I turned around and saw one firework almost popping in Draco's face, but he mived away, and the firework popped in the wall marking his face.

Mr.Filch entered in the room with a mop in his hand, like if he could do something with that, all our exams were mixed in the floor, and the sound of the firework filled the room.

Suddenly Fred and George trowed a big firework in the air, and it formed a big dragon, who chased Umbridge through the all room, until it caught her, and popped at the entrance of the Great Hall, making every rule hanged in the wall, fall and break.

Fred and George flew away to outside, and we followed them cheering and clapping to them.

Teachers, students, everyone went outside clap to them, and they trowed one last firework in the sky, making a W, from Weasley.

Harry was in front of me, when he, suddenly falls backwards, crashing into the floor.

"Harry?!" I placed a hand on his shoulder. "Harry are you okay." I kept asking, however it didn't looked like he was even paying attention to my words.

Hermione walked towards us, and kneeled next to Harry.

He stood up, and disappeared along with Ron and Hermione.

"What happened to Potter?" Delilah asked me, she was on my side.

"I don't know, but he's not okay." I said.

A few hours passed by, when the Inquisitorial Squad started chasing after some members of the Dumbledore's army.

I got caught by some sixth year, Slytherin boy, that I've never talked with before and he dragged me to Umbridge's office.

Luna, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny were also caught by the Inquisitorial Squad while Harry was sat and tied up in a chair in front of Umbridge.

"Caught this one trying to help the Weasley girl." Draco said as he entered Umbridge's office dragging Neville with his wand pointed towards him.

They stood beside me, where Draco was by my side, and grabbing my hand without no one notice.

"You were going to Dumbledore, weren't you?" Umbridge asked calmly.

"No." Harry said.

"Liar." Umbridge slapped him, right in the face, and I flinched at that suden moven, and squeezed Draco's hand tightly.

"You sent for me, headmistress." Snape said from the entrance of her office.

"Snape, yes, the time has come for answers, whether they want to give it to me or not. Have you brought the Veritaserum?" Umbridge asked him.

"I'm afraid, you've used up all interrogating students, the last of it on Mrs. Chang...Unless you wish to poison him and I'll assure you, I would have the greatest sympathy if you did, I cannot help you." Snape said, and turned around to leave until his tracks were stopped by Harry's voice.

"He's got Padfoot...he's got Padfoot at the place where it's hidden." Harry shouted at him.

"Padfoot, what is Padfoot, well what is hidden, what is he talking about Snape." Umbridge said strictly.

He turned around to Harry again, and stood quiet for a moment.

"No idea." Was the only thing he said until he left the office.

"Very well, you give me no choice Potter, as this, is an issue of ministry security, you leave me with, no alternative...the Cruciatos curse ought to loosen your tongue." Umbridge said, we all started looking at each other concerned, even Draco looked worrie.

"That's illegal." Hermione shouted.

"What Cornelius, doesn't know, wont, hurt him." She turned the frame with a picture of Fudge face down, and took her wand, getting closer to Harry.

Now pointing her wand directly towards Harry, seconds away from torture him with the Cruciatos Curse, Hermione stopped her.

"Tell her Harry!" Hermione yelled at them.

"Tell me what?!" Umbridge said.

"Well if you won't tell her where it is, I will." Hermione said firmly.

"Well what is?" Umbridge asked.

"Dumbledore secret weapon." Hermione said.

Umbridge took Harry and Hermione, while the Inquisitorial Squad stayed with us at her office waiting for her to come back.

After some time, Ron said he was hungry and pulled some candies out of his robe, first I was surprise how even in situations like this he still eats, but then I saw that they were puking pastils, and I knew what was his idea.

The Inquisitorial Squad took them off Ron's hand, and eated them theirselfs, Draco was going to eat to, but I made him a sign not to do so, the Squad started vomiting, and we got away.

We rushed toward the bridge, and found Harry and Hermione, running to us.

"How did you get away?" Hermione asked us.

"Puking pastils. It wasn't pretty." Ginny said while Ron gave back Harry and Hermione's wand.

"Told them I was hungry, and wanted some sweets...Of course I told to bugger off and they ate all themselves." Ron said.

"That was clever, Ron." Hermione said.

"It's been know to happen." Ron timidly said.

"It was brilliant...So how do we get into London?" Neville asked.

We all turned our gazes at Harry who stood silent for a few seconds.

"Look, it's not like I don't appreciate everything you've done, all of you, but...I've got you into enough trouble as it is." He said, and passed throught us walking away.

"Dumbledore's army is supposed to be about doing something real..." Neville said, and Harry stopped his tracks turning his gaze at us. "...or was that just words to you." Neville added.

"Maybe you don't have to fo this all by yourself, mate." Ron said.

Everybody stood silent for a moment, waiting for Harry to reply.

"So how are we going to get to London?" Harry finaly said.

"We fly, of course." Luna said smiling.

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