Chapter 57

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"Harry Potter, Undesirable N°1." It was what the newspaper that I was holding between my hands said, with my shoulders supporting the them, resting on the table of the Great Hall, with a picture of Harry in fifth year after that horrifying night at the Ministry, ten thousand galleons reward to whoever catch him.

Pius Thicknesse, the new Minister of Magic, the same Thicknesse that night at the Malfoy Manor where Voldemort, murdered Charity.

Everyone back at the Ministry were being, evaluated, one by one, as Umbridge take care to do that, getting rid off all the Muggle-borns in the Ministry.

I quickly stopped reading the newspaper, it was giving me nauseas.

I throwed the newspaper to the side, and finished my lunch, sat, alone, far away from the others students as Draco went to the bathroom for a few minutes.

Can't lie, loneliness, felt horrible.

Draco came after a few minutes later, as he sat down in front of me, eating some food from his plate.

"You okay?" He asked seeing my sick and blank face.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I said softly.

"Are you sure, you don't look okay?" He said.

"It's just, all of this, I mean, do you think Harry has any chance against the Dark Lord, just look the state of the things, Draco." I said.

"No, but honestly, thinking about that and being sad about that, does not help, so stop, there's absolutely nothing that you can do." He said softly.

"I know, but I wish there was..." I said vaguely.


Our classes, that were now filled with dark magic all around it, in every way possible, McGonagall once very glad to teach Transfiguration, was anxious as the students for the class to be finished.

Although Snape is the headmaster now, we hardly see him, I could've sworn the last time I saw him, was at the first day on this new Hogwarts, since then, my eyes never met his big, dark figure again.

We always avoided walking a lot through the hallways, the Carrows, were always surrounding the them waiting to find any rule breaking to punish someone, they enjoy doing that, punishments.

At the end of the day, I've always decided to read some books at the library, it was a place that surprisingly, made me comfortable, most of the times I usually do that along with Draco, but this time, I decided to go on my own.

I took a few books from the shelves, knowing that I wasn't going to read not even half of them.

"Y/N!" A female voice echoed from the big door at the entrance of the library, although, that I couldn't check who was, I recognized her little, sweet, caring's voice, and it belonged to, Luna.

"Luna, hi, please sat here." I gestured to her to sat beside me, and so did she.

"Everything okay?" She asked softly.

"Yeah, everything is fine." I said.

"So, what about Ivonne and Delilah?" She asked.

"I, haven't actually talked with them yet." I said.

"Oh, okay then." She said and them turned her gaze at my books. "You're gonna read all that?" She asked.

"No, I just bring them for fun." I said softly.

"Can I read with you?" She asked.

"Yeah, of course, Luna." I said and she took a book to her hands.

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