Chapter 43

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*this chapter contains sexual activity*

Next morning, I woke up first than Draco, he was sleeping so peacefully that I didn't wake him, and went down to breakfast.

"Y/N!" Ivonne shouted and rushed towards me in the middle if the hallway. "Did you heard, Ron almost died, yesterday." She said.

"What?! What happened, is he okay?" I asked concerned.

"So Ron was under a Love Potion, so Harry took him to Slughorn, after that, Ron drank a tonic that almost killed him if it wasn'tfor Harry using a bezoar, that's what people told me, he's in the hospital wing now." She said.

"It's seven in the morning! How do you find out the things so fast?!' I shouted.

"I have my fonts." She said amusingly.

"Whatever, I'm gonna see Ron." I said.

I rushed towards the hospital wing, Ron was tied to the bed, Harry, Hermione and Ginny were there, and Madame Pomfrey was checking on him.

"Harry, how's he, I heard what happened." I said.

"He's good now." Harry said.

Suddenly McGonagall, Dumbledore, Snape and Slughorn enters in the hospital wing.

"Quick thinking on your part Harry, using a bezoar, must be very proud of your student, Horace." Dumbledore said.

"Oh yes, very proud." Slughorn said.

"I think we agree Potter's actions were heroics, the question is: why were their necessary?" McGonagall said.

"Why, indeed?" Dumbledore got closer to Slughorn.

"This appears to be a gift, Horace." Dumbledore took the bottle Slughorn was holding. "You don't remember who gave you this bottle..." Slughorn shakes his head. " the way possesses remarkably subtle hints licorice and cherry, when not polluted with poison." Dumbledore gives the bottles at Snape.

"Actually I had intended to give it as a gift." Slughorn said.

"To who, may I ask?" Dumbledore said.

"To you headmaster." Slughorn said.

The professors faces was shocked after hearing Slughorn's words, looking between all of them.

When I heard that the bottle was supposed to be to Dumbledore, my heart flinched, there aren't anyone else besides Draco and I trying to kill him, which means, that explains why Draco was so shaken up yesterday.

"Where's he?" Lavender Brown, Ron's girlfriend, stepped inside the hospital wing. "Where's my Won-Won? Has he been asking for me?" She said nervously.

"What's she doing here?" She asked turning to Hermione.

"I could ask you the same question." Hermione said standing up.

"I happen to be his girlfriend." Lavender said firmly.

"I happen to be his, friend." Hermione said and Lavender let's out a sarcastic laugh.

"Don't make me laugh, you haven't spoken in weeks...I suppose you want to make up with him now that he's suddenly all interesting." Lavender said.

"He's been poisoned, you daft dimpo!" Hermione shouted. "And for the record, I've always found him interesting." She said.

Ron was with his eyes closed, but started murmuring something really low.

"Ah, see, he senses of my presence." She got closer to the bed leaning down to Ron. "Don't worry Won-Won, I'm here, I'm here."

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