Chapter 38

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"We can't be together anymore." Draco said as soon as we entered his dorm, we were both standing with some distance between us.

"What? What are you talking about?" I ask.

"I'm talking about that we are over, do you understand!" He said in a angry tone.

"Why what have I done wrong?" I ask already with tears in my eyes, I felt like my world was tearing apart, his words were cold, angry, carelessly.

"Nothing, just forget me Y/N." He said still not looking at me.

"Why, I wanna know why?!" I ask with an angry tone but with tears running down my cheeks.

" know what, yeah it's true what my father said about you being just a plan to get to Pottah, I've..." He hesitated for a second. "I've never loved you." He said.

"Wha...what, what did you say?" I say my voice shaking, his words repeating themselves in my head.

"You heard me correctly, now get out of here, forget me, just, hate me and get someone that deserves you." He said turning his back onto me.

"I can't, even if I want to, I can't hate you, your presence make feel safe, you make me feel things I've never felt before, you are the only thing that still pulls a smile in my face, your arms make me feel like I'm home, I care so much off you, you became the most important thing to me and I hate you for that, and I hate the fact that I can't hate you, and can't forget you, no matter how much I try." I said to him, I felt a deep relief for getting all that out.

"Why, why can't you hate me after what I just say, I said that I never loved you why don't you hate me for that?!" He shouted at me, turning to me but still without looking at me.

"You...your saying that, because you want me to hate you, but, but, why, why Draco?!" I shouted.

"...No, I'm not, just go away, get out of my life, why can't you hate me?!" He turned around, turning his back to me again.

"Because I love you!" I shouted at him.

He flinched, and slowly turned around, and locked his gaze with my watery eyes, he didn't say anything, he just stared at me.

"No, no, don't say something you don't mean." He said, his voice shaking.

"I mean it, Draco..." I stepped towards him, being now only inches away from him. "...look me in the eye, and say that you never liked me, and I will do what you want and leave." I say calmly.

"Y/N, you don't understand I-" I cut him off.

"Just say it!" I shouted.

"I love you too!" He yelled. "...I love you too, but we can't Y/N, we can't be together..." His eyes also start accumulating tears.

"Tell me why Draco, tell me why!" I yelled.

Suddenly, he pulls his left sleeve, and it had a tattoo of a snake, the Death Eater mark, I flinched when I saw it, and stepped back a few steps.

"Because of this Y/N, I'm don't love me, please don't say something you don't mean..." He said, his eyes were watery, but I don't say anything back, my gaze was still examining the mark on his arm.

"Why, why did you became a Death Eater, you don't get to cry, you did that becase you wanted and then- oh my god..." I had so much thoughts inside my head that I didn't even know what to say, I put my hands on my forehead and looked away from his arm."-when did this happened," I asked.

"In the begging of summer holidays, but Y/N I didn't-" I cut him off with a sarcastic laugh.

"Oh my god, I'm so stupid, I was worried all summer, but of course you didn't write you were too busy with your new best friends, be honest did you even read my letters at all!" I asked abruptly.

Forbidden Love // Draco Malfoy × Reader +18Where stories live. Discover now