Chapter 2

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"Triwizard Tournament?"

"Yes, I heard this year they are going to make new rules, they don't do this Tournament for years." Delilah was with a excited face while telling me this, Ivonne wasn't even paying attention, she was just reading the newspaper.

"I've heard before about this Tournament, for what I know it is were three wizards from three diferent schools are chosen to compete in three diferent tasks, and the winner becomes like a legend, but the Ministry of Magic canceled it because it was too dangerous." Delilah didn't even care about that, if she had an opportunity to impress her parents, she would take it no matter how dangerous it could be.

"For Merlin's beard, look at this girls, "Terror at the Quiditch World Cup", Y/N, you said Harry went there didn't you? Is he okay." Ivonne has always been a sweet girl, she cares about everyone, always worried about everyone, and such a super clever girl, I'm still surprised how she was sorted into Slytherin and not Ravenclaw.

"Yes, he told everything is fine, now stop worrying yourself with this, you've read to much, relax a bit, no one was hurt from what I heard." I took the newspaper out of her hands before even finishing the sentence, she just nodded her head without saying a word.

We were just talking for the rest of the trip, when we arrived we made our way to the Great Hall.

We seat in our usually seats, me alone and theirs two in front of me, waiting for the 1st year kids arrived and beggign being sorted into the houses.

I was just watching the sorting when a feeling of a cold hand on my tigh distracted me from it.

"Good evening, Mrs. Lakewood." The white pale boy said with an amusing face.

I immediately took his hand of my tigh. "Don't you dare touch me again like that, daddy's boy, and since when this is your seat?"

He placed his hand back on my tigh, squeezing it, and pulled me really close to him "Well don't tell me I didn't warned you, I told you, u' were playing a dangerous game Lakewood." His hand was still on my tigh, while he used the other hand to turn my face front to him, we were now face to face, and our faces inches from eachother. We were both staring at eatchother eyes, until I got completely lost in his grey eyes, so beautiful and so angelic, how can a person like him got such eyes. We ended up looking away, when our attention was now on Dumbledore, who was now speaking.

"Well, now we're all settled in and sorted, i'd like to make an announcement, this castle will not only be your home this year but home to some very special guests as well." At this point nobody was hearing Dumbledore their attention was on Mr. Filch running throught the all room to where the headmaster was standing. " You see Hogwarts has been choosen...." He didn't finish his sentence, and drove his attention to Mr. Filch, everybody started whispering to eachother, and I already knew this was about the Triwizard Tournament. " So Hogwarts has been choosen to host a legendary event, the Triwizard Tournament, for those of you who do not know the Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools, for a series of magical contests, from each school, a single student is selected to compete. Now let me be cle......"

"This is boring almost everybody here already know the rules, I wanna eat." Delilah drove my attention completely of Dumbledore.

"Bloody hell Delilah, you look like Ron Weasley speaking, have some patience." I joked, and a smirk appeared on my face, It wasn't a lie after all, that kid is always eating.

"Oh please shut up, I'm just starving, you don't want me to faint right here Y/N, or die, do you want me to die, I feel like I don't eat for days." She placed a hand on her head and started breathing slowly, to pretend she was actually going to faint.

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