Part Thirteen - Charity Case

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Asher's POV

Lucas and I laughed all the way back to the hotel, and although Thomas didn't join us, I didn't miss the small smile playing on his lips in the rearview mirror. 

While we were recovering on the way back to our rooms, I couldn't help be notice the glances that Lucas was stealing at me but every time I caught him looking, he would quickly look in the other direction as if he wasn't doing anything. I didn't mind though, I was actually really glad that his fun side was showing again because I really ain't in the mood to deal with his grumpiness. 

We parted ways with Thomas before arriving in front of our room's door. Lucas unlocked it before gesturing me to follow him inside, I did so then stood awkwardly in the middle of the room. 

"Why don't you take a seat?" Lucas nodded towards one of the blue armchairs whilst he shrugged off his jacket. I complied, placing my suit jacket on the back of the chair before settling onto the soft cushion. "I have a meeting at 10.30 so we need to leave in like ten minutes." 

I nodded, watching as he perched onto the edge of the bed. "And what is this meeting about?" 

"We just need to finalise the financial details regarding the placement program the firm runs, it shouldn't take too long." 

"Is it for the students that you and Rose spoke to earlier?" I saw Lucas jaw clench when I said Rose but he quickly unclenched it. 

"Uh, yeah. A small group of them are going to spend some time at the firm in a week to learn about what we do and how we function." 

"That's pretty cool." Lucas nodded before loosening his tie a little. I had a couple of questions I wanted to ask him and I figured that now would be the best time considering he seemed to be in a good mood. "Um, sir?" 

"It's Lucas remember, we aren't at work at the moment," he smiled. It seemed genuine and I couldn't help but return it.

"Well, Lucas. Can I ask you a question?" He turned more towards me, leaning forward before nodding. "Um, so earlier Rose mentioned that you don't employ male PA's, is that true?" 

He rubbed the stubble on his chin before taking a deep breath, "well yes, I suppose that's the case."

"Okay, but why?" 

"The first PA I had at the firm was a woman, I loved her work ethic and her ability to keep me in check so when she moved on to do other things, I hired another woman who showed the same qualities. Everyone that came after those two also showed promise and they all happened to be females," he shrugged. 

Huh, so I guess he didn't just hire women for some... personal reason. "Then why did you hire me? I mean, do I possess those qualities too?" 

He visibly swallowed, "I...I guess so." He guesses? 

I had leant forward in my seat now, curious. I still had another question to ask so I did so, "and the college degree? Rose also said that anyone you hire has a degree so why did you hire me?" Lucas tensed, he changed his posture so he was now sitting upright. He looked at me directly in the eyes before speaking. 

"You're my charity case for the year." 

I laughed, "good one." But Lucas didn't laugh with me, his face held no emotion, it was just...blank. "Wait, what?" 

"You heard me, you're my charity case, my good deed, my one kind act of the year." I looked at him confused, surely he was joking...right?

He stood up and walked forward before stopping in front of me. I looked up at him in confusion, waiting patiently for him to start laughing at my clueless face but it never came. "What do you mean?" 

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