Part Twenty Two - Jealousy

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Asher's POV

For the rest of the day, I couldn't hide my happiness. He loved me! 

I was slightly concerned that I was moving to fast considering he had only just hold people that he was bi but when he said it back, it felt like my heart was going to swell outside of my chest. I didn't think it was possible to love someone in such a short amount of time but he was really something else. 

"Asher?" I looked up. Lucas was lounging on the couch in my office,  it was almost time to go home so Lucas's appearance had become more relaxed, his tie was on my desk and his shirt was untucked and a third of the way open. 

"What's up?" He patted his lap then instructed me to sit. When I sat down, he wrapped his arms my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder. 

"I'm tired." I laughed, 

"Yeah me too," I leaned my head back and Lucas took the opportunity to kiss my exposed neck. 

"I know tomorrow is your day off, but can you come in for a little bit." 

"I'd live in this building if it meant I didn't have to go home to my mother." 

He chuckled softly, "why is she here anyway?" 

I shrugged, "no idea, Lily said that she just randomly asked about me one day then threatened to stop paying for her drama lessons if she didn't give her my new number."

"Jesus, I can see why you call her the devil." 

"Yep. Then she looked up my name and somehow found it on the company website. Then she phoned up Samantha I assume, and harassed her to give her my address."

"How can you even stand to be in the same room as her?" 

I scoffed, "I can't, hence why I'm coming in tomorrow. What exactly am I coming in for though?" 

"Remember how we went to Paris to speak to a bunch of students, well they're arriving here tomorrow so they need to be greeted and shown around a bit and since you're friendly than me, I figured you can help." 

"What gave you the impression that I was friendly?" I questioned.

Lucas hesitated, "uh, I don't know. You just have a friendly face." 

I turned around to face, now straddling his lap, "it's just friendly?" 

Lucas smirked, "well it's actually sexy as fuck but no one's allowed to say that but me."  I blushed slightly then gave him a quick kiss.

"Fine, I'll come. But, I expect to be compensated accordingly." 

"Oh really? The overtime pay isn't enough?" I shook my head, "then what else do you want?" 

I leaned down to his ear then whispered, "you." 

I pulled back enough to notice Lucas' eyes visibly darken. My stomach did flips, I've never been someone to flirt or be sexual but seeing the effect that one word can have on him was making me rethink that decision. 

Lucas' grip had tighten on my waist which sent stimulating jolts through my body. I brought my face just inches away from his, "so is that a deal?" 

Lucas smiled, "babe, you can have me any day of the week." 

I gasped quietly, this was heading into territory that I had little experience with. With Andrew, the most physical we would get was making out, we had sex one time and because it was the first time for both of us, it was awkward and didn't really garner any pleasure. 

I knew Lucas was a flirt, both him and Thomas had told me that he's had multiple flings so he's not a stranger to sex. But I was surprised he wasn't even a slight bit hesitant about doing it with a man.

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