Part Two - "The Interview"

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Asher's POV

After a short elevator ride, we arrived on the 10th floor. Mrs Willis led me down the corridor then gestured towards an open door. I stepped inside, marvelling at how clean and bright the room was just like the reception. The walls were painted a brilliant white and the floor was covered in a tan carpet. The room contained a large oak desk that held a monitor, keyboard, mouse and some stray papers. Two yellow chairs sat in front of the desk and a black office chair sat behind.

I glanced around the room, despite it being fairly large, it was relatively empty. There were a few filing cabinets in the corner but that was about it. Before I sat down, I noticed a large gold-framed photo on the wall. The photo showed an older man and a younger one, the older man had his arm wrapped around the shoulder of the other, a huge smile plastered on his face. The younger man didn't have the same facial expression, instead, a small smirk played on his lips. His piercing brown eyes were staring straight forward, probably at whoever was taking the photo but it felt as though he was staring into my soul. As I was stuck in my momentary trace, Mrs Willis had made her way over to the office chair and took a seat.

"That's Mr Gold and his son" I turned to her and nodded. Of course, I knew that, I think everybody in New York knew who they are and how the firm started. When I first started working at Walmart I was told the tale of the Gold firm, which goes as follows:

Liam Gold was born into a low-income family, his parents tried but struggled to give their son the life he wanted. As he grew older he learned that he wanted to be a lawyer so he spent hours in the public library studying the subject. He worked hard throughout school to get the grades he needed and was awarded a scholarship to Yale University. Through the Uni he met his now-wife Sarah who shared the same interest in law as he did. Together they had their first child named Lucas and a couple of years later they had their second, Sam. After Liam left Yale, he received his first case which happened to be one of the biggest trials of the year. He managed to get two inmates off of death row by finding proof that the prosecution had tampered with evidence that led to their arrest. Ever since then Liam has been the talk of the town, well state, everybody wanted to hire him to defend them. At the prime age of 25, he and Sarah moved to New York and opened their own law firm, building it up into what it is today. They even played a small role in getting the death penalty abolished from New York in 2007 which was a huge victory for them.

"Take a seat Mr Reid," I did as she asked and settled down. Mrs Willis had her elbows resting on the table, the fingertips on her hands touching each other, in a Mr Burns from the Simpsons type of way. Her eyes bore into mine, I struggled to hold her gaze, trying to make myself appear more confident. After what felt like forever she let out a chuckle. "Sorry, I was trying to see if you got intimidated easily," I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding, "but you did well congrats." She offered me an apologetic smile before clearing her throat and leaning back in her chair.

"So Mr Reid, why should I hire you as my personal assistant?" Before I could even think of my response, the door to the office banged opened revealing a tall and handsome man. And by handsome, I mean REALLY, REALLY handsome.

His hair was slicked back perfectly, not a hair stuck out of place. It was deep brown in colour which matched his eyes. He had stubble on his face, covering his chiselled jaw and that was perfectly kept too. My eyes travelled down to his body. His shirt was light blue and clung to him tightly; I'm almost positive I could see the outline of his abs. The shirt was tucked into a pair of navy blue suit pants, held up by a brown belt. My eyes continued to rake down his body, his shoes were brown and didn't hold even a tiny speck of dirt, like he had just bought them and put them on. As I continued to gawk at the man, Mrs Willis began talking, "how can I help you, Mr Gold?"

WAITTTT, Mr Gold? I looked back at the young man in the photo on the wall then at the man in the door and sure enough, they looked the exact same. "Lyndsey, you already know to call me Lucas, Mr Gold is my dad." He said rolling his eyes a little but he had a small smile.

"Alright, Lucasssss, what can I do for you?" Mrs Willis smiled back, leaning forward.

"I'm here to do the interview" Lucas walked into the room, taking long confident strides, and took a seat in the empty chair next to me. I tried to continue looking at Mrs Willis but Lucas' strong cologne drew me towards him. I allowed myself to glance at him through the corner of my eye and saw that he was already looking at me. I turned my head to the right, subtly angling away from him. Wow, that's a pretty nice wall.

"Sir, I'm interviewing him to be my PA. Why would you conduct the interview?" Yeahhhh Lucas, why would you conduct it? Before I could hold it in, I let out a small chuckle; amused by my own childishness. My eyes widened in surprise and I could feel my cheeks getting hot, I'm sure I looked like a tomato. I heard Lucas shift in his seat, I turned too, finding him already glaring at me.

Well shit.

Quick note: Obviously these characters aren't real which means that Liam didn't play any sort of part in abolishing the death penalty but I just wanted to put it in to show how much of an influence he has in the world of law in this book. H x

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