Part Twenty Six - Epilogue

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Asher's POV

Five Months Later

"Asher!" I sighed as Lucas' loud voice travelled over to my office. 

I stood up, walking the short distance into his office. "Yes?" 

"Just wanted to say hi." He smiled brilliantly at me. 

 I rolled my eyes, "seriously? I have actual work to do Lucas." 

Lucas frowned, "you know, ever since I gave you an actual accounting job, you've not had time for me." 

I shook my head, "I literally see you at home every night." 

He pouted, "it isn't enough." I walked over to his desk, leaning down to give him a quick kiss.

"I'll make it up to you later." I winked at him then started to walk away but before I could even take a step, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me onto his lap. "Lucas!" 

I twisted towards him and saw a smug expression on his face. I feigned annoyance and twisted back to face away from him, crossing my arms over my chest. 

"Asher?" I ignored him. 

"Asher?" He whined. 

I stifled a laugh, "Asher stop ignoring me." 

He loosened his grip on my waist, allowing me to quickly get out and walk a couple steps away, out of his reach. Now it was my turn to look smug.

"Not fair," Lucas pouted again but I knew better then to give in. If I didn't leave now, I'd never get any work done. 

"Like I said, I'll make it up to you when we get home, now I'm getting back to work."

I strolled out of his office, making sure to close the door behind me so he couldn't shout into my office. 

My phone dinged, alerting me of a text message. I settled into my seat and saw that it was Lily that messaged. 

Lily: This school is fucking amazing!!!!

Me: Good, I hope you enjoy your time there

Lily: I definitely will! We still on for dinner later?

Me: Yep, do you mind if Lucas tags along, he's being extra clingy today.

Lily: LOL, he can come, he's pretty much a brother to me anyway 

Me: Aww. Anyway, I gotta get back to work, I'll see you later

Lily: Okay, bye!

I smiled down at my phone, I was super proud of Lily. After coming to New York a few months ago, she decided that she would try to apply to university here to be closer to me. I tried to talk her out of it at first because I was unsure if she'd like living here but she applied anyway, reassuring me that she'd be alright.

She applied to the Julliard School not really expecting to get an audition but she did! She had to go through three rounds of auditions online and then a fourth in person audition. Out of hundreds of people who auditioned, only 18 were able to join the course and she was one of them! 

I offered to let her stay with me while she studied but she said she wanted to stay at the school to get the full experience. At that point, I was practically living with Lucas anyway so I decided to move out of my apartment and use the money I spent on rent to help Lily. 

Of course she refused at first but after promising that she'll pay me back after she was famous, she accepted the money. 

Apparently Ashley wasn't happy that she was moving here too but according to Lily, dad stood up to her and told her that Lily could do what she wanted because she was old enough now. 

Speaking of my dad, we had spoken a few times since the gala. After a lot of consideration, I decided to forgive him and we were slowly but surely starting to build our relationship back up. 

He had confessed to me that he was thinking about divorcing Ashley because she wasn't the same person that he had fallen in love anymore. I didn't really give an opinion on the matter, only stating that I'd support him if he makes that decision. 

As for Ashley, I haven't spoken to her since her outburst at the gala and I plan to keep it that way. Both Lucas and Lily understand and support my decision which I was glad about. 

I leaned back in my chair, remembering how happy I've been over the last few months and I owe it all to Lucas. He was my rock, the person keeping me together. 

I loved him and he loved me back. And I planned to keep this love until the day I died. 

After a few more hours of work, someone knocked on my door. 

"Come in." 

The door opened, revealing Lucas. "Hey, you ready to go?"

I smiled wide at him then I closed my computer down and grabbed my jacket. I walked up to Lucas and looped my arm through his.

"Let's go." 

Thanks for reading! 

Sorry if there are any mistakes or the timeline doesn't add up, I tried my best! H x

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