Part Twenty Three - The Gala

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Asher's POV

Lucas and I spent the week promptly avoiding the group of visiting students so that we could avoid Lucien. Lucas gave a talk to the students one of days about finance - not that any of the students cared, they were there to learn about law - Lucien was there too but I successfully managed to avoid his hard gaze. He also tried to speak to us a couple of times but I quickly came up with an excuse about why I couldn't. 

I felt bad for Eloise, she was such a sweet person but it probably seemed like we were avoiding her too. I asked Lucas if she knew the story about Lucien but he said no. I tried to give her apologetic smiles glances and smiles when I could but I don't think they were working. 

My family were unfortunately still here. My mother had heard me talking to Lily about the Gala tonight so she insisted that I get her and dad invites. And because she always gets her way, I was now standing in my apartment waiting for them to get ready. 

Lucas and I went suit shopping during the week except, I was the only one trying on suits because Lucas had already picked his out and refused to tell me what it looked like. The only hint he gave me was by buying me a dark green paisley bowtie and a matching handkerchief. 

We had agreed to meet at the gala so that my mother didn't find it suspicious that he was picking me up. But he had sent Thomas to pick us up in a sleek black limo. I also made sure that Lucas told his family to keep quiet about us dating because if my mother found out, she would make a scene. 

I admit, I was enjoying Lucas pulling out all the stops to make this night fun as possible, he knew that being around my mother would irritate me so he said that he'd bring me around the gala to 'introduce' myself to patrons. 

I looked down at my watch again, I had asked my family to be ready bang on 6pm and it was now 6.30 meaning we were going to be late. 

After another five minutes of impatiently waiting, Lily stepped out of the bathroom.

"Wow Lils, you look amazing." She was wearing a pastel pink high-low dress with a lace back. She looking stunning. 

"Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself," she said, smiling wide. I did a once over of myself in the mirror and she wasn't wrong. 

I had picked out a simple three piece black tux with a white shirt and polished black derbys. The bowtie Lucas bought me sat snugly around my collar and the handkerchief was folded perfectly in my top pocket. 

"Come here, I want to get a photo," Lily took her phone out of her clutch and gestured me over. I wasn't too fond of photos but tonight, I decided that I was going to let loose and have fun. I walked over and wrapped my hand around her waist and she did the same. "Say cheese," 

"Cheeseeee," I was momentarily blinded by the flash but I quickly recovered. 

"Aw Asher look," she showed me her phoned. 

"We do look pretty cute." 

She nodded, "I'm going to upload this to Instagram." I watched over her shoulder as she added a couple of filters then wrote the caption, 'back together again.' 

A flood of guilt flashed through me. "I'm sorry I left Lily."

She instantly pulled me into a tight hug, "don't apologise, it wasn't your fault." 

I gripped her tighter, "if you say so." 

She pulled back slightly and looked up at me, "I do. Plus if you hadn't have left, you never would've met Lucas," she said then winked. 

I pushed her gently away snorting, "shut up." 

She shrugged, "true though." 

A door opened behind me, I turned and saw my parents step out. My mother was wearing a short-sleeved navy dress with intricate beadwork throughout the body and my dad was wearing a tux like me except it was navy and he wore a black tie. 

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