Part Eighteen - Caught

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Asher's POV

"What the fuck?!" 

Lucas immediately jerked away from me then ran his hand through hair and smoothed his clothes. 

My cheeks warned instantly, not from my own embarrassment but rather due to the fact that Lyndsey just walked in on her supposedly straight boss in a very comprising position. 

Lyndsey's face morphed between shock and confusion as her eyes flicked between the two of us. After a few seconds of complete silence, she slowly backed out the room, leaving the door open. 

I glanced at Lucas, scared of his reaction. He was standing dead still, his own cheeks a little pink. "Lucas?" He looked at me seeming to remember that I was in the room. 

Clearing his throat, he spoke, "make sure you email my schedule for this week. Don't knock on my door, I don't want to be disturbed." And with that, he started towards the door. 

"Lucas please..." He glanced over his shoulder, a slight frown on his face,

"Just get to work Asher," he said rather harshly before leaving, slamming the door behind him. 

I huffed, dropping down into my chair. Surely this isn't the end, right? I mean, I know it's only really the start and I'm sure Lyndsey wouldn't tell anyone. 

I sighed, buttoning my shirt back up and tightening my tie. Might as well do some work, I have a feeling that this is going to be a long day. 

I worked up until noon before the need to get out of this confining room overwhelmed me. I exited the office with the intent of getting lunch without any drama, which I managed to do...until Lyndsey sat down across from me. 

I quickly swallowed my food, preparing for the inevitable question. Lyndsey fixed her glasses, "so..." I kept my eyes trained on her as she looked everywhere but me. I've never seen her like this, she's normally so composed.

"What you eating?" 

I breathed out a little laugh, "um, tomato pasta," she nodded. 

"Any good?" 

"Sure, I guess."

"Where'd you get it from?" 

I sighed, I knew for a fact that she didn't care about my lunch so I decided to just get it over with. "Just ask me." 

She looked at me for the first time, feigning confusion, "what do you mean?" 

I rolled my eyes, "Lyndsey come on, you know what I'm talking about." 

She stared at me for a couple seconds before taking a deep breath, "what happened in there? Are guys a couple? Is Lucas gay? Does Mr Gold know? When did this hap-."

"LYNDSEY!" She quickly stopped her rambling, "one question at a time." 

"Were you guys doing what I think you were doing in there?"

I was unsure as to whether or not Lucas would appreciate me telling her about our...relationship? I'm certain Lucas wouldn't call this a relationship but it's not like it was just a friendship - friends don't kiss each other. 

But nevertheless, I trusted Lyndsey and I knew Lucas did too so I decided to tell her. 

"If you mean kissing then yes, that's correct."

She let out a little gasp as the information processed, "Lucas is gay?" I shrugged my shoulders, 

"I don't know." 

"How do you not know? He was kissing you!" Lyndsey exclaimed. 

I shushed her, "keep your voice down, the whole building doesn't need to know."

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