Part Six - The Shower

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Asher's POV

Lucas stood leaning against his doorframe with his arms crossed. He looked me up and down taking in my drenched appearance, lingering his gaze on my tight shirt subtly for a few more seconds before quirking up an eyebrow,

"I-I..." I had no words, I know that I was about to get in trouble so I just looked at my shoes, waiting. Lucas walked over to me, I don't know why but I flinched expecting him to slap me or something for looking so unprofessional but instead he leaned down and picked up my keys. He unlocked my door then gestured for me to go in. I gave him a small smile then entered the room, my cheeks began to heat up, this was so embarrassing. I took Lucas' drink from the holder and placed the rest of the stuff on the coffee table. "I got you your drink sir," I gave him the best smile I could muster while handing him the drink. He took it from me, taking a short sip before placing it on the table. My smile began to drop, I must've ordered the wrong thing. I began panicking, yep I'm definitely gonna lose my job. Lucas didn't even say anything, he just left the room, closing the door behind him.

I sank to the floor, it was my first day and I had already managed to screw everything up. I brought my knees to my chest, placing my head between them. I honestly felt like crying but I stopped myself, come on Asher, man up! I picked myself up then looked down at the carpet, I had managed to leave a wet mark from the rain water. The cold air soon hit me like a bus, I grabbed my hot chocolate and took a long sip. At least I had one good thing in my life. Before I could decide what I was going to do about my soaking clothes, the phone on my desk rang. I took my shoes and socks off so I didn't leave anymore marks on the carpet then picked up the phone.

Putting on my best cheerful voice I spoke, "hello, Mr Gold's PA speaking, how may I help you?"

"At least you're still able to answer the phone," Lucas' husky voice came through the receiver.

"Of course I can answer the phone sir, I'm only wet," I heard him chuckle,

"Yeah, I bet you are." I choked on the air. What?! That doesn't even make sense, I'm a guy.

"Was there something you needed?"

"Yes, can you come to my office please?"

"Sure, give me a second." I placed the phone down and went over to Lucas' office, rapping on the door a couple of times.

"Come in." I entered. Lucas was sitting at his desk, his glasses were back on and he was staring intently at his computer.

"You wanted to see me sir?" He glanced up at me, his eyes flicking down to my bare feet. He didn't say anything though, he just lightly shook his head then stood up. I allowed my eyes to fully roam his body, I never had the chance to truly check him out this morning because of the incident. He wore a black shirt today, no tie and black bottoms. His hair was styled as perfectly as it was last week. My eyes flicked back up to his face, he was staring at me through narrowed eyes. I flushed immediately, staring out the window instead.

"I figured you'd need these," he bent down and picked up a pile of clothes with a pair of shoes sitting on top. My jaw dropped but I quickly recovered, huge smile began forming on my face. He got me clothes?! Lucas walked towards me then placed the clothes in my hands. "There's a bathroom through that door to your right, you can shower and get changed in there." Shower? He pointed towards the door then went back to his desk.

"Thank you sir." Lucas waved me off. I walked into the bathroom and locked it. My eyes widened, this wasn't just a normal bathroom, it was an actual full blown penthouse type bathroom. It contained a nice toilet, two sinks with some fancy soap and a long bath with a shower attached to it. Who decides they need this in their office? Oh well, at least I can get warmed up. I stripped out my clothes and stepped into the bath but soon realised that I had no idea how to work the shower. There were four notches and like fifty buttons, after a while I just gave up. I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my waist, I walked over to the door before calling out, "Luc- uh sir?"

"What is it?"

"I don't mean to bother you but um... how do you work the shower?" I heard Lucas sigh.

"You just crank the sec- you know what? It'd just be easier for me to show you." Footsteps grew louder towards the door. "Unlock it." I did, Lucas pushed the handle down and opened the door. He entered and froze, his eyes taking in my towel-covered waist. I watched as his eyes travelled over my v-line and abs. Feeling self conscious, I wrapped my arms around my waist, my cheeks heating up. He realised I was looking at him then he quickly turned his head and to the shower.

" just... uh turn this and press these buttons and it's on." It was cute seeing him all flustered. "Use this to adjust the temperature and this for the pressure. Just ignore the other buttons. Yeah um that's it."

"Alright, cheers." I watched him leave the room, his cheeks had turned a light pink. I locked the door then climbed in. The hot water felt amazing on my cold skin. I quickly showered my body, skipping the shampoo. I hated using anyone else's shampoo but my own.

When I was done, I dried myself and put on the new clothes. Lucas had given me a pair of black pants and a white shirt. The clothes smelt kind of earthy so I assumed that they were Lucas'. The shoes were a little big for me but not too uncomfortable. Since I didn't have my styling gel with me, I just let my hair sit flat on my head. Not my best look but definitely not my worst. I gathered all my wet clothes and left the bathroom.

I couldn't see Lucas so I just left and went back to my office. I open the door to see Lucas sitting with his feet propped up on my desk, stuffing his face with my blueberry muffins.

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