Part Eleven - Hotel

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Asher's POV

I spent the rest of the journey sitting in silence, filled with embarrassment. Lucas had tried to stop laughing multiple times but every time he looked at my red face, he would start all over again. I considered opening the car door and bailing out but I had only seen people do that in the movies and I highly doubt that I could pull it off without badly injuring myself.

After 15 minutes of hell, we pulled into the car park of a Hilton hotel. I followed Lucas into the lobby whilst Thomas grabbed our cases. As we approached, a young man looked up from the desk, giving us a polite smile.

"Hi, how can I help you?" He spoke with a French accent, I didn't catch how Lucas replied because I was distracted by how beautiful the lobby was. Several tall white pillars stood on top of a clean marble floor each trimmed with radiant gold. A few blue chairs sat over to the right, a couple of people were already seated there, probably getting ready to check out. I checked my watch, it was only 7:15 in the morning so I don't know how our rooms would be ready considering check-in was normally in the afternoon.

"What do you mean that you only have two rooms?!" I was knocked out of my thoughts by Lucas' outburst. I turned to see him with his hands on the desk, leaning over the desk and glaring at the terrified receptionist. I took a couple of steps towards Lucas, placing a hand on his shoulder. His head snapped around to me, eyes narrowing in on my hand. I quickly let go,

"What's the problem?" The receptionist looked at me, visibly swallowing.

"There seems to have been an issue with the booking. Monsieur Gold is saying that he booked three executive king rooms for tonight but only two are showing up as booked under his name."

"Well can't we just book another one?"

The receptionist typed something into his computer, a few seconds later he looked up with an apologetic smile. "Sorry but there's no other rooms of that type available."

"Oh. That's alright, you and Thomas can stay in those rooms and I can just stay in a different one."

"No," Lucas put his arm in front of my chest then pushed me back. "The two rooms will be fine." The receptionist nodded then went to collect our key cards. I looked at Lucas quizzingly but he kept his back facing me. After thirty seconds, the man returned with three key cards. Lucas grabbed them before I could then stomped towards the chairs.

I watched after him then turned towards the man, offering him an apologetic smile, he returned it with a grateful one. "Merci," he nodded then went back to typing on the computer.

I slowly walked over to Lucas, who was now busy typing on his phone. "Sir?" He didn't respond.

"Sir?" I said a bit louder. Still, he didn't lookup.

Having had enough, I stood in front of him and put my hand in front of his face. Big mistake. He gripped my wrist hard then pushed it away from him, "what do you want?!" He snarled.

I cradled my wrist, wincing slightly at the pain. My eyes flicked to the other guests, they were looking at us curiously. Embarrassment flooded through me, "um...I was just going to ask why I couldn't have gotten a different room."

Lucas rolled his eyes then glared at me, "cause I don't want to waste money on you." Ouch. I honestly didn't get it, one minute Lucas is this caring, sweet man who is helping me with my anxiety then the next he's cold and gets irritated at anything I do. I don't know what to do. Plus, he was willing to spend money on a room before the mix up happened so I don't see how it's an issue now.

Lucas had gone back to his phone leaving me to stand here awkwardly, luckily Thomas walked in a few seconds later with our cases. He glanced between us seeming to notice the tension, I gave him a small smile which he returned with a shrug. Lucas got up and walked to the elevator, Thomas and I following closely behind. After a tense ride, we finally reached the top floor, the doors opened to reveal a long corridor. Lucas handed Thomas a card then headed off to the left, Thomas handed me both Lucas and I's suitcases before heading off in the opposite direction. I looked between them not knowing who to follow, after a couple of seconds, I settled on Lucas seeing how I had only just met Thomas yesterday.

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