Part Four - First Day

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Asher's POV

I woke up on Monday morning to the sound of my blaring alarm. "Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh." I trudged out of bed then went about my daily routine; showering, washing my face then brushing my teeth. I emerged from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my waist, I opened my wardrobe and picked out my new clothes - some Calvin Klein's, a white shirt, navy tie and navy trousers. I quickly threw them on then sat down on my bed, slipping on my Derby's and tying them.

Glancing at my watch, I realised that it was already 6 am. Lucas told me to be there at 7 but I wanted to play it safe, it is the rush hour after all. I grabbed my briefcase before locking my door then booked an Uber. I settled into the seat, I knew that I wouldn't be able to fully relax until I got to the firm but I'd tried my best. As I stared out the window, I recalled how quickly all of this had happened.


"Well done, you're hired." I looked at Lucas shocked, did I hear that right? He was smiling at me, showing perfectly straight, white teeth. I beamed back at him, I couldn't think of anything to say but luckily Lucas spoke again, "so can you start tomorrow?"

"Um no actually, I've still got to finish my shifts at work but I can next week if that's okay?" Lucas nodded then made his way to one of the filing cabinets. He took out a few papers and walked behind me, he leaned over my shoulder placing the paper in front of me. His earthy scent overwhelmed my nose, making me a little lightheaded. He straightened back up, heading towards the door.

"Fill those out and bring them with you next Monday, be here at 7 am sharp." Lucas turned back around smiling, winked then left the room. I stayed in my seat for a couple of minutes trying to process what just happened. I honestly never expected to get this job, I thought that my lack of a degree would send me right back out the door. I certainly never expected to be working for someone so high up in the company.

Once I composed myself, I packed the papers in my briefcase and put my blazer on. I made my way out of the office and into the elevator, as the doors opened I saw Mrs Willis. I stepped in before speaking, "Oh hello."

She studied me for a second before speaking, "I assume he gave you the job." I nodded at her. She sighed, "well hopefully you last longer than the rest of them. I would say that I've got a good feeling about you but I said that for the last three people. Good luck Mr Reid." She stepped out of the elevator and gave me a short wave.

I waved back, "thank you." I hoped to last longer than the others too. The doors closed and I pressed the button for the reception. Samantha gave me a wave before I exited the building and entered the crisp New York air. I called a taxi then headed home.

I spent the rest of the week completing my shifts at both Walmart and the bar. When I told my co-workers where my new work was, they all congratulated me. Some even commented on how lucky I was to be working for a man like Lucas. I wasn't sure what they meant by that but I agreed with them anyway. I used some of the money from my last pay check to buy some new work attire. I didn't want Lucas to think I only owned one suit, I mean that was the truth originally but not anymore.

I picked up a few shirts and trousers, in varying colours; black, grey, navy. I didn't look nearly as sexy as Lucas did in these clothes but I was presentable. I bought a watch too, thinking it made me look more professional. Now all I had to do was wait for Monday morning to roll around.


The Uber pulled up to the firm and I got out. I looked at my watch, it was 6:30 so I was still half an hour early. "Good morning Mr Reid," I turned my head and noticed the doorman smiling at me.

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