Part Five - Coffee Run

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Asher's POV

My office wasn't nearly as large as Lucas' but it was still a decent size. There was a desk at the back with filing cabinets lining the right wall and a coffee table sat in the middle of the room with a couch either side. I noticed a stack of files on the table which I assumed to be the ones I have to scan. I made my way to the desk and took a seat.

I allowed myself to recover from the events of a couple of minutes ago before picking up the files on the table. I opened one and saw they contained information about payment from clients. Picking up as many as I could, I left the room, continuing down the corridor in search for the printer. I found it in a room all the way to the right of the corridor, I opened the door and saw Mrs Willis standing with her back to me, grabbing some papers from the printer.

"Hello Mrs Willis," She jumped a little before turning to me. Giving me a smile, she took the rest of the papers and placed them in a file.

"Hello there Mr Reid, you can call me Lyndsey by the way. I know you were just trying to be professional last week."

"Alright, I'll call you Lyndsey if you call me Asher, deal?" I loosened one of my hands out from under the files and held it out to her. She glanced at it before smiling,

"Deal." She gripped my hand and gave it firm shake. I smiled back at her before placing my hand back under the files before I dropped them. "So how are you liking working here so far?"

"Well, I've only been here for twenty minutes and I've already managed to annoy Lucas." She laughed,

"Did he tell you that you were late?" How did she know? Lyndsey answered as if she read my mind, "he's done that to every PA he's had. He thinks that striking fear into them will ensure that they don't make any mistakes in the future," she began shaking her head, "but in reality it just makes them hate him within ten minutes."

"He definitely struck fear into me, I thought I was going to have a heart attack." I let out a shaky laugh. Lyndsey just sighed before gathering her things and walking towards the door.

"Don't worry you'll get used to it. The way he thinks is a bit odd sometimes but Lucas is a good man inside. Anyways I've got to go, see you later Asher." She waved before leaving, the sound of her heels clicking on the floor slowly receded until I was left in silence. I placed the files on the table to the side and took off the lanyard with the ID card. Remembering how Lucas' fingers brushed my neck, I let out an involuntary shiver. My cheeks began heating up again but luckily no one was here to see. I shook the thought of Lucas out my head and started scanning the files.

It took me two hours to scan all the documents because despite the company being as wealthy as it is, they couldn't seem to afford a decent printer. When I returned back to my office with the last of the files, I noticed a note on my desk.

Go pick me up coffee, black - L

I huffed before grabbing my wallet and keys, earlier I had secured my office key to the rest of my keys so I didn't lose it because I didn't doubt that Lucas would fire me if I did. I exited the building, looking up on my phone where the nearest coffee shop was. Turns out there was a Starbucks just around the corner so I started towards it.

It was quite cold in the city and it didn't help that I was only in a shirt. I was tempted to just return to the office and look for a coffee machine but Lucas specifically said to pick up a coffee and I really didn't want to risk getting in trouble. Within four minutes I had arrived at the Starbucks, I instantly warmed up as I entered, the strong odour of coffee flooding my senses. The barista at the counter offered me a smile as I approached,

"Hi, what can I get for you?"

"Hi, can I get a Grande dark roast coffee with nothing added and a Grande hot chocolate to go please?"

"Of course, anything else?" I realised that I hadn't eaten anything today,

"Yeah can I also get two blueberry muffins?" I rarely allowed myself to eat treats because normally I couldn't afford them. But I decided to make an exception because these looked amazing and I was planning to eat both of them.

"Alright, and who's it for?"

"Asher." She grabbed a cup, writing my name down.

"That'll be $12.50," I handed her the money then waited off to the side. I checked my watch, it was just past nine. Jesus, I'm ready to go home now. A few minutes went by before my name was called. I collected my order then left.

I stepped out into the street just as it started spitting rain. I sped down the block as fast as I could, trying my best to protect my order. I had just made half way when the rain started to come down more heavily. I could feel the water seeping into my clothes, soaking me. I began running until I finally made it back to the firm.

I quickly entered the building, ignoring the disgusted look the man at the door gave me. I sped straight past Samantha and got in the elevator. The elevator had mirrors in so I checked out my appearance, I gasped. I looked like a drowned rat, my hair was sticking to my forehead. My shirt had turned see through and clung desperately to me. My pants had turned a darker blue and I could feel water pooling in my shoes. But hey, at least the drinks are fine. The elevator stopped on my floor and I quickly walked to my office. I fumbled with the keys whilst trying to balance my order in one hand. I was struggling to put the key in the lock so much, I ended up dropping them on the floor.

"FUCK SAKE," I raised my arm above the door and leant on it, taking a few deep breaths. Apparently my sudden outburst had attracted the attention of a certain someone and that someone just so happened to be my boss.

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