Part Seventeen - A date?

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Asher's POV

We arrived at the nearest Starbucks within minutes, I don't know how since the traffic is normally horrific. 

Before I could get out the car, Lucas crossed to my side, opening the door for me. I blushed slightly at the gesture, which he returned with a smirk. 

Lucas swiped off the sunglasses he had put on during the ride here (which he looked sexy in, might I add) before walking into the shop. I followed closely behind, thinking about the time Lucas had stolen BOTH my blueberry muffins at work. 

I remained in my own head before Lucas asked me to find a table. I nodded, heading towards a small booth at the front of the shop. I watched Lucas as he walked up to the woman at the counter who flashed him a flirtatious smile. I scoffed, how does this man manage to make everyone he meets swoon. 

Maybe because he's sexy as hell Asher. Yeah, definitely can't argue against that.  

After a couple of minutes imagining countless things I would like to do to him, Lucas walked up with two cups and a bag tucked under his arm. He took a seat across from me, sliding my drink over. 

"That better be water," I said staring pointedly at the cup. 

"Why don't you taste it and find out." I already knew it wasn't water but I decided to indulge in his humour. I brought the cup up to my lips, already smelling the sweet chocolate scent.  Lucas was watching me closely, humour evident in his eyes. 

"It sure does smell funny."

"Huh that's odd," he responded. I fought to keep my face neutral as I took a sip of the wonderful hot chocolate. I faked a gasp, putting on my most shocked expression. 

"Dear god, this is some weird tasting water." Lucas let out a loud laugh causing the other customers to glare at us. 

"You sounded so British then."

I laughed with him before clearing my throat and putting my poshest voice, "whatever do you mean Sir Lucas? I was merely expressing my confusion at this beverage." 

Lucas clutched his stomach, unable to stop the loud laughs. "," I smiled at him. 

"Sir Lucas, do I need to fetch the doctor? He'll arrive soon in his horse drawn carriage." Lucas bit down on his lip to stop himself laughing but his attempt failed as he glanced at my face. 

I laughed with him, ignoring the annoyed faces of those surrounding us. 

Lucas recovered before me, wiping the tears out of his eyes. His face was slightly red but a large smile was plastered on his face. I matched his smile before taking another small sip of my drink. "Thanks for the hot chocolate Lucas, though I did only want a water." 

"Oh shh, it's your birthday, you deserve a treat." Awww. "Speaking of treats, I got you another present."

"You've done enough, learn when to stop." He chuckled before pushing the bag he was carrying earlier towards me. 

Upon opening it, I found a single blueberry muffin. I glanced up at him, "what's this for?"

"I figured that since I ate both your muffins that day at work, I'd at least repay you with one of them. It could be like your birthday cake." I could feel tears forming in my eyes but I didn't let them fall. I ain't a pussy! Well...I am but I didn't want to let Lucas know that. 

I slid across the booth, wrapping my arms round Lucas' neck. This was the second time I had hugged him today except this time, he didn't tense. He immediately responded, hugging me back tightly. 

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