Part Sixteen - Hangover

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Asher's POV

I tried to open my eyes but was instantly blinded. I cracked them open again, searching for the source of the light and found it to be coming through the window. I groaned, why weren't the curtains shut?

Wanting to get away from the bright light, I turned over in the bed, only to headbutt something hard but also...soft?

Opening my eyes fully, I noticed that I had hit my head on somebody's chest. Instantly, I jolted up causing a massive pain in my head.

My heart started to race, where was I? And who the fuck is in the bed with me?!

It took me a few seconds to realise that I was back in Lucas and I's hotel room. But how did I get here?

My memory was a little hazy, the last thing I remember is dancing at the club Lucas had brought me to. I knew that I had had a lot to drink which would explain the sore head and dry throat.

I closed my eyes, raking my brain for memories of last night. I remember being upset with Lucas over something but I don't know what.

And then...wait...LUCAS KISSED ME!

My eyes widened as I looked down at the body to my left, "Lucas?!"

He stirred at the sound of his name but didn't wake up. I glanced down and saw that I was only wearing boxers. I lifted up the duvet and saw that Lucas was in the same as me.

Oh God, I did exactly what I said I wasn't going to do - I had sex, whilst drunk, with Lucas fucking Gold! Lily is not going to believe this.

I sat in bed for another few minutes, trying to process this information. I thought back to how Lucas kissed me; it was surprising to say the least.

I didn't know how to react at first but as I felt Lucas begin to pull away, I found myself kissing him back with a sense of urgency that I didn't know I had. Despite being visible to every club goer, Lucas had pulled me into his lap and began running his hand up my side.

Unfortunately that's all I could remember but it wouldn't seem unreasonable to assume that we had progressed from the kiss and that's why we were in bed, practically naked, with one another.

Lucas stirred again which made me feel nervous, what was I suppose to say to him when he woke up?

Deciding that avoidance was the best call of action, I climbed out the bed, only to trip over a shoe. I landed on my hands and knees with a thud. Okay, ouch.

Just as I came back to my feet, I heard a groan from behind me. "Asher?"

I froze, maybe if I didn't move, he wouldn't see me.

"Asher why are you just standing there?" Fuck.

I turned around slowly, "oh morning Lucas, I was just going to the bathroom." Without giving him the chance to speak, I sprinted to the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

I thought I heard Lucas laughing but maybe not. The run to the bathroom had caused me to feel nauseous. After a couple of seconds it had gotten really bad so I leant over the toilet and threw up.

In an instant, there was a knock on the door. "Asher, are you okay?"

In response, I threw up again. "Open the door."

I groaned but managed to lean over and unlock it. Lucas stormed in and was instantly by my side, he leant down next to me and began rubbing circles on my back.

I stayed on the floor for another five minutes before I deemed myself fit to stand up. Lucas left the bathroom and came back in with a bottle of water.

I smiled at him, "thank you." He only nodded in return.

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