Part Twenty Four - 'I'm Sorry'

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Asher's POV

I didn't stop running until the venue was nowhere in sight. I made turns down multiple streets and alleyways, not paying attention to where I was going until I finally stopped at a park. 

I took a seat on an old wooden bench then exhaled loudly. The events from minutes ago replayed in my mind, what kind of mother outs their son like that in front of a couple hundred people? 

Not only did she out me, she outed Lucas too. How did she even know that we were dating?! But I couldn't think of an answer for either question. 

My phone vibrated in my pocket, Lucas' caller ID flashed on my screen but I swiftly declined it, wanting to be alone. 

I switched my phone off then looked up at the dark sky, closing my eyes. I remained in blissful silence for a couple of minutes before it was broken by the snapping of a nearby twig. 

"Asher?" I jumped at the sound of my name, standing up then spinning around to meet the chocolate eyes of Lucien. 

"Lucien?" He gave me a small smile then walked to the bench talking a seat then gesturing me to do the same. I lowered myself back on the bench slowly, wondering how he managed to find me. 

"I saw what happened back there." 

I winced, "great, well if you're here just to berate me then you can kindly fuck off." 

Lucien laughed then sighed, "I'm not here to make fun of you Asher, I'm here to say sorry that you had to go through that."

I sat there stunned, this was unexpected to say the least. 

"I mean, I never knew your mother would do something like that." 

What? "Of course you wouldn't know, I never told you about her." 

"Why not? I thought we were close." 

I frowned at him, "Lucien, we're not even friends."

He feigned hurt, "why not?" 

I scoffed, "like you don't know." 

He rolled his eyes, "oh please, don't tell me this is because of Lucas." 

"Of course it's about Lucas!"

"What did he tell you?" 

"Enough not to know that you're not a decent person."

"Ah so he's still holding onto his little grudge."

"Grudge?!" I stood up, my volume increasing, "you ruined his chance at an actual relationship all because you were jealous of the attention his girlfriend was getting." 

Lucien stood up too, he was taller than me so he towered over me slightly, "so what?! It's bros before hoes as you Americans say." 

I let out a humourless laugh, "you did not just say that." 

"He stopped going out with me all because of that little chienne (bitch). He was meant to be my friend but he left me, so I did us both a favour." 

"And how did that work out for you?" 

He shrugged, "clearly not as I intended it too but its been years, what's done is done. Lucas needs to move on." 

"He doesn't have to do shit! Did you even apologise to him?" 

He didn't even have to answer because his expression said it all - he didn't.

"Whatever it doesn't matter now, it seems as though he's got a new relationship," he glared at me accusingly. 

"Yeah he does, so back the fuck off." 

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