Part Fifteen - The Club

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Asher's POV

It was 11.30pm when Lucas and I pulled up outside a building labelled REX CLUB.

People were already lining up and down the street as we walked past them, women wore cute dresses while men wore smart trousers and a shirt, not a pair of jeans in sight. Lucas said that the club didn't open until midnight but he would be able to get us in.

I watched as Lucas spoke to the bouncer in perfect French. Their conversation lasted thirty seconds before Lucas passed him a couple of €200 notes, the man nodded to him before pushing the door open and gesturing towards the entrance. Lucas grabbed my arm and pull me inside.

The room was illuminated by blue, pink and white lights and despite the club not being open, the music was already blaring and small groups were scattered around. At the back of the room stood the DJ booth in front of a semi-large dance floor. The bar weaved around the right side of the room, opposite the seating area.

I had never been to a club before, only pubs in England. I wasn't exactly a sociable person and the only time I did go out, it was normally under the promise of free food or alcohol.

Lucas pushed me towards one of the tables and told me to wait, so I did.

When Lucas had asked me if I wanted to party, I expected us to immediately go out to nearest club and start drinking. But instead, he made us wait FIVE HOURS before deciding to head out. In that time, we took turns showering (though I wished we had showered together) and making ourselves look presentable - apparently the club we were at only allowed semi-formal attire. Lucas had decided that he was still hungry so he went down to the hotel's restaurant whilst I stayed upstairs talking to Lily.

She was convinced that Lucas and I were going to hookup tonight if we both got drunk enough and while I hoped that was true, if I was going to have sex with him, I'd rather do it whilst I was sober.

Lucas came back to our table, placing down a tray of plastic shot glasses, knocking me out of my thoughts. I looked up at him with an eyebrow raised, he only smiled in return.

I took one of the shot glasses, it was filled to the brim with a clear liquid. I sniffed it and immediately recoiled, it was vodka.


Lucas took a seat next to me and also grabbed a glass, "because we're here to party and we can't do that if we don't have any alcohol in us."

He tapped his glass against mine, threw his head back and downed the shot. His face remained neutral as he placed the glass back down. He looked at me expectantly, "you're turn."

I look between him and the glass, sighing I said, "fuck it." I downed the shot and immediately coughed as the liquid burned the back of my throat. "Jesus Christ."

Lucas clapped my back, "well done, now the next one." I groaned grabbing another glass, this one with salt around the rim. "Here you'll need this," he handed me a wedge of lime then took his own glass.

"You know what to do?" I nodded, "alright, let's go."

I licked the salt off the rim of the glass then downed the shot before quickly sucking on the lime. Once again the liquid, this time tequila, burned the back of my throat.

I looked at Lucas, his face was neutral again. How the fuck?! Lucas grinned at me, "last one?"

Lucas handed me a plastic pint glass with filled with a yellow/brown liquid. I immediately shook my head, "nope, I ain't doing that."

Lucas looked at me with his head cocked to the side, "you don't even know what it is."

But I did. My eyes landed on the last shot glass on the tray filled with a dark liquid - Jägermeister. "I ain't doing Jäger bombs Lucas."

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