Part Twelve - Rose

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Asher's POV

After an agonising thirty seconds, the woman finally pulled away from Lucas but stayed stood extremely close to him. My eyes narrowed in on her hand "accidentally" brushing against his. Luckily, he placed his hand in his pocket and subtly stepped away from her, triggering me to internally smirk.

As much as I didn't want to, I held my hand out to her again. I wanted to show Lucas that I could be professional. She eyed my hand suspiciously, lightly shaking it before dropping it quickly. Do I have a disease or something?

"Hi, I'm Asher Reid, nice to meet you." She frowned slightly.

"Rose Wilson, I'm a lawyer at Gold Law and what do you do exactly?"

I plastered on a fake smile, "I'm Mr Gold's new personal assistant." I said whilst gesturing to Lucas.

She cocked her head to the side slightly then turned to Lucas. "Oh really? I thought you only hired women as your assistants." I looked at Lucas too, huh, I wonder why that is.

"Asher fit the role of the job so he was hired," he shrugged.

Rose turned to me with narrow eyes, looking me up and down. "He barely looks twenty meaning he definitely doesn't have a degree," her voice held a certain edge to it that I didn't like, "you never hire someone without at least some sort of degree." I raised an eyebrow at Lucas, so he's thrown two of his rules out the window to hire me but what was so special about me?

"Like I said Rose, he had the right skills so drop it," Lucas' face held no emotion as he snapped at her.

She frowned at Lucas before glaring in my direction. My eyes widened, what did I do? After a minute of tense silence, Thomas cleared his throat,

"I think we should head inside," Lucas nodded then began towards the entrance. I moved to walk next to him but Rose pushed between us. I sent her a glare which she returned with a smug smile. I shook my head then dropped back a step to walk with Thomas, he gave me an odd look but didn't say anything.

As we entered the building, an older man greeted us then led us through a large hall filled with rows of plastic chairs facing a stage. On the stage sat two chairs and a wooden lectern with a microphone attached. The man gestured for us to enter a room behind the stage.

The room was filled with all sorts of props, presumably from plays. A few cardboard backdrops were stacked into the corner and a table with two chairs sat near it.

Rose rushed over and sat down on one of the chairs, pulling the other closer to her. She looked at Lucas then patted the empty seat. She crossed her legs which caused her skirt to ride further up her thigh. By the way she was gazing at Lucas, I assumed it was on purpose. "You should sit down Lucas , I'm sure you're tired from all that jet lag."

I frowned. Excuse me?! Thomas and I were on that flight too. Lucas sighed then shook his head, placing his hands in his pockets as he leaned against the wall. "I'm alright here thanks," he looked up at Thomas, "I'm sure Thomas would like a seat though."

Thomas nodded then sat down, Rose huffed before crossing her arms and edging her chair away from him. Lucas looked at me then smiled and I couldn't help but return it.

The air soon became thick, nobody talked. The only sound came from Rose tapping the heel of her shoe on the wooden floor. I placed my hand over my eyes, I could feel myself getting a headache.

I took a seat on the hard floor then took my phone out. I looked to Lucas to see if I was being unprofessional but he was too busy staring off into space. Shrugging, I clicked my phone on and went to Twitter. Unfortunately this place didn't have have an open WiFi so I was forced to use my data. My phone wasn't the best, it was a used iPhone 6 that I had bought when I first moved here. The phone already had a few scratches on it when I got it but now it has a huge crack through the centre of the screen because I had dropped it during a shift at work. I've been wanting a new one for a while now but I've never been able to afford it. I can't be too ungrateful though, at least it still works.

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