Part Fourteen - Lucien

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Lucas' POV

I watched as Asher stared through the glass. His eyes were wide and his lips were slightly parted. I immediately knew what - or rather who - he was staring at: Lucien. It bothered me that Asher was staring at him, I wanted him to stop.

Lucien was definitely not a bad person to look at, it was understandable that Asher would be infatuated with him, I probably had the same reaction that he did when I first saw him. But he's only a man, just a really REALLY good looking man.

I reached out and grabbed Asher's shoulder, he turned around and looked at me with only slight concern in his eyes. That concern quickly left and his expression changed to that of boredom?

"Close your mouth Ash, you're catching flies." He quickly clamped his mouth shut before a light blush dusted his cheeks. I smirked and let go of his shoulder leaning towards him, "don't drool whilst you're in there." I winked at him, Asher's cheeks turned a darker red and he buried his head in his hands.

It was cute seeing him all flustered. Cute?! Jesus Lucas, you've never said that before. I shook my head before turning towards Eloise.

She was already looking at me, a knowing smirk on her face. "What?"

She shook her head, "Nothing, shall we go in?"

I looked back at Asher, he seemed to have recovered slightly from my comments but the blush still remained. "Yes, let's go."


Asher's POV

I couldn't believe what Lucas said, was I really gaping at Lucien?! Also, did Lucas just call me Ash? I didn't mind it, in fact, I thought it was cute.

I took a couple of deep breaths before following Lucas and Eloise into the room. The sexy man stood up from the desk and shook Lucas' hand before taking mine. I instantly blushed at the contact. Jesus Asher, pull yourself together.

The man dropped my hand before speaking with a thick French accent, "bonjour, I'm Lucien and you are?"

I opened my mouth to speak but before I could Lucas did, "that's Asher, he's my new PA." Lucien glanced at Lucas before turning back to me.

"Now now Lucas, I'm sure the young man can speak for himself." My eyes flicked to Lucas', I saw him glaring at Lucien before settling into a chair.

"Yeah hi, I'm he just said aha." God, my face was on fire, this was so embarrassing. I turned away from Lucien and quickly took a seat next to Lucas. I faced away from everyone, pretending to be busy with my shoelace whilst I allowed my face to return to a normal colour.

Lucas cleared his throat, "come on Lucien, I don't have all day, I'm a busy man."

"As am I."

"Then let's get this over with." I turned back to face the table, Lucien and Eloise had taken seats across from us. I grabbed a pen and some lined paper from the middle of the table and prepared myself to take notes. This was the first time I've attended a meeting so I was unsure as to how much information to take down so I just decided to play it by ear.

For the next hour and a half, I listened and wrote down information that I thought would be useful. Unsurprisingly, meetings were extremely boring and I'm pretty sure I zoned out a few times. However, something did happen during it which I thought was strange, every time Lucien would look in my direction, Lucas would stare daggers at him.

I didn't know what Lucas' problem was, it was just a look. But honestly I didn't care enough to ask what the issue was. It would probably start another argument anyway which I was in no mood for. I hadn't slept well on the plane and exhaustion was beginning to take over. I just wanted to go back to the hotel room and lie in bed but even if I could, I'm sure Lucas would give me a whole spiel about how it was his bed and that I wasn't allowed in it.

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