Part Twenty One - Family Introductions

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Asher's POV

 I must say, when I imagined Lucas' dad's office, I expected something magnificent. Like maybe the whole room made from solid gold just because his last name was Gold. 

But no...

It was just a normal office, no pictures, paintings and definitely no gold. In fact, Lucas' office seemed like a Disneyland compared to this place. The walls were coloured in a horrible beige which matched the carpet. 

I looked at Lucas, he was staring down at me with a smirk on his lips, "not what you expected huh?" I shook my head and he laughed, "yeah, everyone makes this place out to be a wonderland but it's very underwhelming." 

"Why is everything so..." I couldn't think of a fitting word,


"Exactly, where's the colour at?" 

"My dad is a very hard working man, he prefers his office to be completely void of anything that could distract him." 

"Coloured walls distract him?" 

"Yep, and he won't allow anyone in the office while he's working on a case. He let me sit in with him once then about five minutes in, he sent me out because my breathing was bothering him."

"That sounds a bit extreme." 

Lucas shrugged, "that's just who he is, he would never have gotten to where he is today without the amount of dedication he put into this company and his work." 

"Alright, I respect it. Do you want an office like this someday?" 

"Why would I? The office I have now is perfectly fine, I'm able to get the same amount of work done no matter where I am plus my office is right across from your handsome ass." He grabbed my arm and pulled me flush against him. 

"Shut upppp," I groaned.

He laughed, "relax babe." My body froze momentarily at the name but it quickly relaxed. We haven't called each other names like that before so it was surprising to hear but that doesn't mean I didn't like it. Lucas leaned down and brought his lips to my ear, "do you like when I call you that?"

His voice was breathy but deep, and it was making my knees weak. "Lucas," I all but moaned into his ear. 

"Answer the question," 

I cleared my throat, "maybe."

 He chuckled lightly, "then maybe I'll say it more often...babe."

I couldn't take how alluring his voice was being anymore, so I pulled back, grabbed his jaw then roughly brought his lips to mine. He let out a little gasp but quickly melted into the kiss, matching me with the same urgency that I had. 

Lucas guided me back until the back of my legs hit a desk. He used his knee to part my legs so he could stand between them. Our kiss grew more heated as Lucas began fumbling with the buttons of my shirt. 

I'm sure that if I was able to think straight then I would've realised that we were making out in Lucas's dad's office aka the founder's office. And I'm also sure that if Lucas' scent wasn't plaguing my senses then I would've heard the elevator begin it's descent down then back up to the room. And I definitely would've heard the elevator door open then two people making their way into the office. 

But alas, Lucas and his dominant self held too much control over me and I didn't realise any of those things until it was too late. 

Somebody cleared their throat behind Lucas making his hands still on my shirt and his lips stop moving against mine. His body was blocking my view but I had a couple of guesses about who could be behind him. Lyndsey mentioned that there was only a few people who had the key to this floor and since Lucas was standing in front of me, I had to assume the obvious. 

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